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Re: Home remedy for cysts/abscesses
pheerulz Views: 268,169
Published: 17 y
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Re: Home remedy for cysts/abscesses

Holy crap! This is weird. My name is Phoebe also and I have had recurrent Bartholin's cysts for about 5 years now. They are painful and stupid and crappy. I've just lived with them for about 3 or years because the doctor's office visits with the lancing and the draining and the giant circus like needles got to be a little traumatizing. After I figured out that it would eventually drain on its own, I just let them go along with Sitz baths and cleaning. But I have been avidly looking for a more homeopathic way to rid myself of this evil and I've read on two or three other forums that garlic root and also acidophilus seems to help some. Sounds like a witch's brew, I know, but so long as you dance naked under the midnight moon and wear a pointy hat, it should work. The acidophilus, I read on a Mayo clinic board, can be deposited vaginally by suppository. I'm going to try everything all at once and then maybe the gland will just implode in on itself and be gone in a puff of dust and frustration. Good luck to everyone and if any breakthroughs are made, PLEASE don't hesitate to say so. Thanks!


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