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Re: Recurring Bartholin's cyst/abscess
phoebe Views: 93,757
Published: 17 y
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Re: Recurring Bartholin's cyst/abscess

Well since posting the original message the abscess has been back and each time I have used the calamine lotion mixture I mentioned earlier and the abscess spontaneously drained. I will leave it to you to decide if this is just coincidence or if the mixture really does work. Whichever, the relief provided by applying a poultice of the mixture is wonderful.

I personally have chosen not to go under the knife... I can cope with the abscess coming back, being uncomfortable and them bursting before it gets large enough to cause signficant pain. I expect, because of the thinness of the skin in this sensitive area, that once an abscess has burst, the puncture area will forever be weakened, meaning that it is always going to burst in that same place before it gets excrutiatingly large (and therefore painful.) I can live with this and hopefully with good health care and diet I can help my body to heal itself and be rid of this horrible condition without resorting to surgery.

For any women out there with this problem, please do try the calamine lotion mixture I mentioned in an earlier post... and I hope you feel better very soon.

best wishes


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