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Itching all over. Need answers/help
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Published: 18 y

Itching all over. Need answers/help

Hi all:
I am 8 days into the mop-up program and recently just started itching all over being worse in the center of my back. This sounds like it might be an allergic reaction to something to me. It started a few days into the mop-up program. I don't see any hives anywhere, but it really itches. I can't see my back. that is where the real itching is concentrated. My usual reaction to something I was allergic to like crabmeat for instance, would be intense itching on the palms of my hands or soles of my feet. This is different. I don't usually manifest with hives all over like I did when I was a kid. I am wondering if the L Cysteine might be causing it. Have been on the de-wormers for over 2 months and don't really think it is Barefoots. I started on the Paracleanse in addition to barefoots a few days ago. Also am doing capsules of pure clove oil. It is pretty uncomfortable. I have to still kill the parasites. I have loads of them. Might have to ask this on the Liver Flush Support Forum . too. Anyone have any ideas?


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