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--Testimonials--Calcium Hydroxide(Lime Water) Benefits--

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

moreless Views: 46,217
Published: 17 y
This is a reply to # 1,028,760

--Testimonials--Calcium Hydroxide(Lime Water) Benefits--

By Maya,

Hi GrooverG

I have used it around 6 months now ... not just myself, but my kids as well.
Since I am a therapist using Kinesiology testing techniques, I also have over 60
clients and friends who use it - some for more than 4 months. (kinesiology is a
way to test how the body responds to any substance introduced to the body)

I have had no adverse effects at all, quite the opposite. Clients/friends who
have reported back are also enjoying positive results.

I started the first month or so using only 1 tbs of the pickling lime water in a
glass of the moreless alkalizing drink, and have since taken more than half a
glass at a time of the pickling lime water at each sitting. My normal dose is
around 6 tbs in the alkalizing drink, twice a day.

Just like everything else, one must start slow, check response and then move up
when one feels comfortable. Calcium is a very alkaline substance and can help
the body release a lot of acids - too much too soon can produce a mini healing
crisis. Calcium also has a drying effect on the body, so it is important to be
well hydrated.

Undiluted calcium hydroxide is dangerous, the website states
that clearly. However, when diluted 1tbs into a gallon of water, it becomes a
very weak calcium solution, commonly referred to as pickling lime water.

Many healing protocols require one to dilute solutions for safety. for example,
hydrogen peroxide (H202) at 40% starts to become rocket fuel .. but once diluted
to 3-6% is used internally and externally as a means to add more oxygen into the

I tested my pH many times for the first couple of months, but eventually got
bored with that! I am interested in results though and here are some of the
benefits I have seen on myself:

* Knees are 80% healed (chiropractor suggested i would need keyhole surgery in
the future - not anymore!!)
* Toe nails regrew
* lacking in any pain - even after strenuous exercise
* My spine has fully aligned - no more visits to the chiro needed!
* Helped me get over a virus in under 5 days, when others around me held on to
it for over 2 weeks.
* Stress reduction has been fantastic
* More energetic, need less sleep

lots more besides ...

If you check the R/N posts on the ask moreless forum or the testimonials page on

website, you'll find some reports from other long term users.

Best wishes


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