For reducing pain, a great complement to traditional therapies you are already doing is acupuncture. There are several studies that show very good results, there was one in 2012 published in the America Journal of Chinese Medicine that compared two groups and the one receiving acupuncture had an 80% success rate reducing pain while the other receiving only traditional therapies only had a 13% success rate. Another measured the pain reduction with acupuncture in 40% reduction after a month of therapy.
There's an article on acupuncture for plantar fasciitis that shows what points you can stimulate with acupressure (using the tips of your fingers or knuckles) to easily start the therapy yourself. It's a good summary of the studies I mentioned with sources, stretches you can do to accompany the acupuncture and testimonials of people that have had success with it but best of all is the short guide to learn to do acupuncture at home.
Let me know if it helps.
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