Ive done it before. I dont believe its dangerous, at least I didnt have any negative after effects from doing it. But we all know people abuse things and ruin it for everyone.
You do it, it only lasts a short time, but its a totally indescribable experiance during that time. The best way I could describe it was I felt my awareness {the feeling of being "in" my body} break into a lot of different peices {like I was split into many columns} and then spread out. I didnt feel like I was in my body anymore, but like I was all over the place. It was crazy but I went back to normal a few minutes later and it felt like I hadnt even done anything..unlike other drugs like pot where you feel "stoned" or weird for awhile, even days afterwards.
Im not saying one should do it, but I think it could be used as a spiritual tool, for those who wish to explore their realities in that way.