Thank you guys for posting. I'm actually having nothing but
good days, thanks be to God. I called Larry at essence-of-life
to ask why I don't seem to have any die off symptoms, even though
that's a bit of an exaggeration since my face looks like an erupted
mine field. But I've had this happen to me before I even started
on the diet/Cesium protocol, never quite this bad though. Larry
said it all depends on the amount of cancer in your body, and some
people don't get more than a rash. Another thing he mentioned is
that some people stay on Cesium maintenance program for the rest
of their lives, and he recommends 6 months minimum. The maintenance program is not just doing it once or twice a year but all year round. I didn't ask how
much the doses decrease on maintenance if at all.
As for the symptoms - I have slight needle
prickles on the left side of the chest where the surgery was, they
only started a couple days ago. They're not a big deal, but I like
to know what's going on and be able to interpret the signals my
body is sending me. In this case I don't know what to make of it.
Will wait and see, this may be just part of the healing process.
My PET scan is coming up, but once again this radioactivity/glucose
combination is soooo bad for cancer. Larry confirmed. I did
a study on this and from every angle it looks bad to me.They say
the amount of radioactive tracer is minimal, yet it has to
be enough to penetrate into each and every cell in your body.
There it explodes or undergoes a positive beta decay which
results in the production of two gamma ray photons. Gamma rays
by the way are the highest energy end of the electromagnetic
spectrum. The photons released during this test are the elementary
particles travelling at the speed of light (in vacuum), and otherwise
slowed down and absorbed by your body. I see a lot of problems with
this scenario that are never spoken of anywhere. What happens
as a result of all this radioactive energy interference combined
with forcefeeding of the cancer cells with the food it likes?
I don't believe the long term effects are being considered here.
May be due to the lack of knowledge in this area. I know they
used to have Medical Ethics commitees approve PET scans, so it's
most likely not as safe as is now being advertised.
The lady at the PET scan lab told me that for this type of radioactivity
to be harmful you'd have to undergo 30 consecutive days of it.
She probably meant that after that you'd fall over dead and they'd
be able to point at you and say: "hey, that was harmful!" My
oncologist told me that PET scan won't show any debris that
is less then 1 centimeter in diameter, so once again even
if it shows clear there's never any assurance it's not there anymore.
Ok, back to the protocol. I'm not able to stay off sugar
completely. That is I don't have any white
Sugar of course, but
I do have buckwheat (carbohydrates) and fruit. Now, per the
alkaline diet that is fine but for cancer regimen it probably
isn't. Yet I don't see what I could be eating to completely
avoid foods that either contain glucose or are able to convert
to it in the body. I just can't live on broccoli, or maybe
I'm being a wimp. Anna, what foods are you eating? And kudos
to you for refusing Chemo. How big is your cancer? Did you
have an operation? I didn't have consistent pain with
my type of cancer, so I don't know how Cesium affects that area.
Did you notice any improvement in the pain level? By day
5 it should definitely kick in.
My potassium intake currently is 1 tablespoon ionic solution. I will
be increasing it to two every other day, as I don't want
to overdose either. My blood pressure has actually been way too
low ever since hospitalization (or maybe even priorly), something
like 95/60. Now, with potassium depletion I understand it goes up.
My normal blood pressure has always been 130/75 or 80, pretty
stable at that. Blood pressure monitor sounds like a very
good idea though.
Sorry to have used up so much space^) I'll keep the posts
up. And all the best to you guys, God be with you.