Hi. My name is Chris, and I'm a 23 year old male. For the past month and a half or so I've been taking "Vitacure", testing it out as a skin remedy, and also taking a multi-vitamin daily.
About 2 weeks ago I started having pains in my right side. I had a CAT scan, and my doctor said that they found gall bladder "sludge" in it (I can't remember if he said there were stones or not). I now have an appointment in a week with a surgeon to discuss removing my gall bladder. He told me to stay away from fatty & spicy foods.
After hearing this, I immediately went online to try and figure out WHAT exactly this "sludge" is, and how to try and avoid an opperation. I came across a lot of sites that mentioned "flushing" out the gall bladder by eating apples all day, then finishing at night with 2/3 cup of olive oil (which is LOADED with fat) and 1/3 cup of lemon juice. Is it really a good idea for me to try this, or should I wait until I meet with the surgeon to discuss the "flushing"? He seems to be all for taking out my gall bladder saying that it's really not necessary and there aren't any complications after having it removed, so I guess that doesn't sound that bad, but still. Could the medicine I was on possibly have just blocked my gall bladder, and a flush would simply bring it back to normal? And, if I decide to do the flush, is there a special low-fat olive oil I should use, or any old one? So many questions, but I'm kinda freaking out here because I used to be totally healthy with no problems whatsoever, and now all of a sudden my gall bladder might need to come out??? Sheesh. Any ideas?
Thanks =)