In this message, I express my personal opinion, based on my limited knowledge on this subject.
I am not a woman, I am not a doctor, I just happened to be interested in liver flush, I am a father
of 2 boys, one of them experienced several liver flushes during pregnancy.
When it comes to doing the liver flush , my opinion is that IN most women (at least 99%) benefits outweigh the risks involved, (main risks being stone stuck in common bile duct, what may lead to jaundice or even (rarely) to acute pancreatitis. Pancreatitis, if untreated, may cause serious pain and even death.) 80.000 people in USA alone experience Pancreatitis every year. No other serious risks are involved, at least for majority of healthy women, and according to my limited knowledge. Beware that the risk of encountering jaundice or acute pancreatitis has nothing to do with pregnancy itself. That risk is there regardless of your condition, and I believe that in case of pregnancy, that risk can only be lower, not higher.
I believe that it is important to do an enema before taking the first cup of Epsom salt, and also to do an enema in the morning, while taking the last Epsom salt dose, or after taking it.
It is important to add probiotics into the last enema water to prevent dysbiosis - constipation.
I believe that pregnant woman should and can take the full dose of Epsom salt. Epsom salt is used to stop pre-term contractions and to stop pre-term labor and birth, and is, according to what I have read and what I have heard, 100% safe to be taken during pregnancy, as long as your kidneys as healthy, and as long as you are drinking a lot of water, and are not allergic to it, or severely intolerant.
It is always better to already have some experience with flushing liver, before the pregnancy, but, there are many women who did their first flush during pregnancy!
Enema or colonics are also of great benefit, and are, according to my knowledge, as safe as life itself.
Enema will insure that all toxic bile that has been dumped out from your liver and from your gallbladder, that all that bile is flushed safely out.
I say in most women, meaning waste majority of 99%, but that still doesn't mean that liver flush is safe for every woman.
In real world, 100% safe does not exist! No therapy, no lifestyle, no treatment is 100% safe. No matter what you do. Even if you don't do anything during pregnancy, you are not 100% safe. Nobody is.
Life itself is not 100% safe, and together with life, anything else is.
There will always be women who will experience miscarriage, there will always be women who will experience pre-term birth, with or without liver flush. And, while liver flush may actually cause some problems in very few women, in other women it will prevent those same problems, and it will prevent many other problems.
The thing with liver flush is that in most women, liver flush will so much improve health that it will automatically that much decrease chances of any problem associated with poor liver condition ....
But still, you are not 100% safe, and will never be.
There is a forum that you should read: Pregnancy Forum
Most flushing experiences are recorded and marked with R=Recommended.
Another place is Liver Flush FAQ, where that question is answered.
Read Liver Flush FAQ, to learn about all safety concerns, when it comes to liver flush.
Beware, whatever you decide, it will be your own decision, and your own responsibility!
You are now responsible for 2 people, for yourself, and for your baby!
Best of health