John MacArthur is way off on this. The truth is that real speaking in tongues has nothing to do with emotion. God created us with emotions. We can get emotional when we pray whether we are speaking in tongues or not. You do not have to get emotional to speak in tongues anymore than you have to get emotional when you say the Lord's prayer or any other prayer. Speaking in tongues does not equal an emotional experience. Johnny Boy is preaching lies in ignorance.
Rainy, have you any idea how unbecoming it is to see one Christian accuse another of deliberate lies? Do we really need to descend to trapezoid tactics when dealing with one another? Why can't you accept that vekky simply holds opposing views without attributing some ulterior motives to her? Do you seriously imagine that she holds these views simply to be antagonistic to yours, or is it possible that she genuinely believes these things, even if one grants that she may be wrong?
Refreshed holds opposing views to my own on some topics, as I'm sure you must be well aware by now, but I would not dream of accusing her of lying about them simply because we disagree. I credit Refreshed with enough integrity to accept that she honestly and genuinely believes those things. There are no hidden agendas at play here, and no need to assume mendacity, subterfuge, terminological inexactitudes or deliberate economy with the truth on anybody's part.
So please, less of the allegations of impure motives against your sisters in the faith. Simply agreeing to disagree is sufficient. Anything more than this is a shortcut to rancour and bitterness.
By the way, that woman from the hell trip video goes to the same church that false prophet Sundar goes too, you know the one who Rainy finally admitted was speaking false prophecies. Interesting fact, right? :)
I did not know that, and yes, that explains a lot. I tend not to believe in coincidences. As for the rest, sadly I'm inclined to agree.