I have only been dealing with this for a few months after my husband had an extended stay in the hospital and then a nursing home. No help from doctor's period. I have given up trying to convince them of anything. It dawned on me when looking them in the eye that they are covering up and can not give their advice or opinion. But, they do say keep up your salt soaks and etc, or recommend a very large Entomology College Department when I responded our own was not accepting samples from the public. That's what it said on its website, accepting only biopsy's from Doctors and labs. That leaves me out with all the slides I have.
Okay, the reason I took the reins and my and my husbands recovery into our own hands. It is ridiculous when a Doctor sends you away with a steroid without a fix.
The treatment needs to be constant, you can not stop because in the Myasias process they are in larvae, incubate *three times, then pupa *incubate two times before hatching into the flies. The one stage that seems the hardiest is the embryo that has hooks and teeth that set in then the two tubes it projects from these fangs. One tube is an anchor, the second tube is a feeder tube. Once they have set these tubes it is nearly impossible to get them out. So don't dry, scaring is horrible. Use Tea Tree oil directly on the bite, rub it in really good and smother them. They will die and if you are NOT allergic like my husband, they will grow out in a month or so. But, if you allergic like my husband, swelling, oozing yellow pus will begin. They are so small, airborne size, the black specs that behave like scabies are not Arthropods as per biopsy my husband had. they will be around .1mm in size by this time, but when they are airborne they are much smaller. They look like extremely small bot fly larvae. I have uploaded pictures.
They seem to molt based upon the temperature of the body. I am much hotter than my husband and during the cold winter months they would start to separate every third day.
Once I realized it was a fly sort of parasite, I focused on Bombing the house with permethrin. My exterminator that I have had for 15 years refused to bomb based upon my word and gave me sticky traps which ruined a set of sheets and caught me a few times, so to me that is a waste of time. I was already spraying the floors and mopping them with Permethrin as per mixing instructions. I treated the carpets with borax at night and vacuumed the next morning. I started to spray floors at night with permethrin and using a 5% lotion mix to kill them on the body for a minimum of 8 hours. The sensation of toxicity was not so bad for me, but for my husband it was tough. Three rounds of that every four days seemed to kill off most of the infestation. But, that is not enough because of the cocoon period.
We are currently on the Albenza with the Ivermectin and Prazi combo based upon skin parasites, a two week interval, not the daily combos with two day breaks. I have to say that the biting and itching has stopped for my husband, but the oozing and sores that appear are swollen and pink. He is currently taking Doxycycline to handle the worm
parasites and bacteria the
parasite was carrying.
That is how he is being treated with his allergic reaction. He is not using the steroids that were prescribed because it makes the worms multiply causing other issues.
He is not bothered by anything else at this time, so he is starting to focus on recovering from his three broken bones.
Now, Me. I was too tired to focus on myself until February and by March I understood I was dealing with a few issues that the
parasite contamination caused.
I believe the Nano technology that was used to inject therapy during my husbands surgery produced this.
//www.curezone.org/ig/i.asp?i=83340 It is a Genetically Modified Organism that was in the Lidocaine for pain management, it is from the ocean, a form of jelly fish that stabs its tentacles into the flesh to inject what it is carrying. I just found this on an Israeli Nano technology sight and now see the connection. The picture is from a sample on my husbands arm.
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tamar_Lotan, http://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapId=6085214
Now that explains that, it helps to understand the process a small bit. The bacteria, the type of myasis and why the treatment I was using worked but did not fix everything.
I treated for Scabies, mites, Lice, bacteria, virus but never Gnats or Fungus.
I vacuumed every day, mopped the floors and washed all the bedding and clothing each day. I disinfected and wiped down my husbands medical bed and covered the couch I sat on with plastic. His wheelchair was wiped down and his butte pillow was changed out daily, washed and sprayed. None of this seemed to eradicate the issue. Until I started to separate the issues.
A very small flea like
parasite had dug itself under the skin providing a bacterial and worm infestation on the skin.
Small Fruitfly from the local discount market provided the flying parasite and Fungus.
I then treated the carpets every few days with Borax and vacuumed the next morning. I sprayed with 50/50 mix of windex and ammonia on floors and mopped the wooden&tile floors. I then received the Permethrin finally through Amazon and started to spray the floors and mop at night. I took the couch cushions out of the couch and saturated them, many times for two weeks. This did little to stop the Fungus from winding itself into the fabric and clothing.
I finally had time to do my Ayurvedic air treatment of herbal paste and plastic wrap the hair over night. All sensation was gone for three hours the first treatment. Then they hatched again and began moving around. Using a nit comb removed them from the hair and I stayed in the shower combing until the comb came away clean. I used at first the Permethrin 5% oil treatment in the hair when we treated ourselves the first time for 8 hours and that helped a lot also.
The biggest problem is that when in a cocoon these things are hardy, they don't die like the larvae or pupa because they are anchored to the host. But, don't give up, because it is possible to get rid of them. We are currently insect free, it is now the bacteria and fungus we are eradicating. Bombed the house, sprayed the floors at night for the fly's.
Bought a steam cleaner and that is making the biggest difference so far. I have steamed the couches now quite a few times because every times we sit, We the host are the carriers. the filaments are so tiny and airborne and look like hair but also sticks. I have steamed the curtains, lamp shades, air vents(poison also), bed every day, carpets.
I stopped coating my skin with lotions allowing my skin to dry out and then the filaments are poking out of the skin like small shards of glass. At first my neck skin felt tight and brittle and I asked if anyone else had felt this, no response. Now small sores have appeared at my neck as if I had been scratching or popping pimples but I haven't, they are breaking out of the skin, the fibers have turned brittle.
We are on the two weeks of Albendazole before the next treatment of Ivermectin and then Prazi(nick name). The fog has gone away after the first three days of Rx, which is wonderful. The fog has a person walking in circles confused and wasting time, even preventing from finishing one project.
I have been taking large doses of vitamin C to break the mucus that coats the fungus, which I believe is protecting the bacteria and worms, or vice versa. Not sure, but they both seem to protect each other when using only one method of eradication.
I just started using the Gnat removal idea I found using Apple Cider Vinegar *few drops of detergent to soften liquid, plastic and holes to catch the few that I have seen out the corner of my eyes. 35 Ways on How to get rid of Gnats
At night after a day of cleaning I shower, using a herbal paste of sulfer, black salt, Neem Powder or Thyme Powder, mustard oil. I use oil because it makes the combo mix better. I was using Fenugreek which is so slimy when wet but I was itching really badly when I used it and stopped putting it in the paste mix.
I then read of the slime coating that mites coat the skin to protect themselves and thought it couldn't hurt to Pre-scrub my skin before the paste. So I picked up some .99cent scrub brushes that can be thrown away and keep one for soap and one for herbs.
Last night I used a borax and water mix with soap that really seemed to work. I noticed a gelatin coating on my lefthand fingers that I had not noticed beforehand rub off, so I worked this combo all over the skin then instead of rinsing it off to add the paste, I just added the paste right on the skin. No movement, itching or biting. I nit/flea comb my hair until it is clean and smooth, a few minutes. I usually leave it on in the beginning 40-60 minutes and have been slowly working down to 30 minutes. Last night I was 20 minutes and the affects are the same. I am hoping to get down to every few days just to be cautious.
Oh, big thing.. Really big thing. I use a 50/50 mixture of Ethyl alcohol and witch hazel, 4oz bottle, I add 10 drops of citronella EO, Lavendar EO and Tea Tree EO. For men you can use Cedar, Patchouli, Pine. I shake it up and spray onto my scalp after I shower and then rub on my wet skin and allow it to dry. I coat my entire Body. This makes me taste so bitter and provides protection and insect deterrent at night and dries out the skin at the same time. I can blow dry my hair afterwards and curl it, no messy oil residue. It works great on itchy skin and disinfects when the oozing bacteria rears its ugly head for my husband.
Because the Fungus is now airborne. I am focusing on steaming everything that gets used. I have bagged those items that can not be to be later dealt with. The lint tray on the dryer was thought of by someone else here on the curezone to spray before touching. I loved her idea and used the permethrin spray and then removed. She used a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, borax and two other ingredients.
To wash my laundry I have been using Borax, Oxywash and 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide and soaking before washing. The same woman that suggested spraying the lint tray has something similar. On the blankets I have washed so many times, I am now running on high heat in the dryer twice. the first round is with a wet towel to get the steam going. That is when I was killing the
parasites and I treated it with Permethrin also. Now I am dealing with a Fungus so I run the heat on high twice and it seems to be doing the job. As with most Fungus it can dry out but be revived with moisture, so I make sure the bed is dry before putting new sheets on it and I cover the mattress with a borax/salt mixture and use two sheet sets. The bottom sheet I steam and change out the top sheet. When I haven't given the bed time enough to dry I used the blow dryer to make sure it is dry. I wipe down most everything with hydrogen peroxide wipes I found at the super market.
It is nice to be able to sit on the couch right now and not feel bitten or crawling. I started this process of removing the gnats and
parasites mid March. I also started spraying the outside of the vacuum cleaner with Lysol before vacuuming and right before I take my shower so that I can dry out and kill any floaters I may have loosened up. It is nice to be able to sleep again.
The strongyloid worms seen on the first skin samples of my husbands arms are a hardy bunch and I am hoping that the two week Rx protocol works on eradicating them.
It was when we started taking care of the parasites within that the rest seemed to back off long enough to focus and treat each thing separately or use methods that treat more than one thing at a time.
If I wanted to remove the external worms, the oil mixture of Sesame oil with tea tree and *small amount of clove oil cause it burns worked wonders. But, the fascination and fixation at wondering what it is, Is over with. Now just killing everything is important.
Everything that I have found on Morgellons and Yeasts, Fungus and Bacteria have one thing in common, it wants domination on its Host. So building the host immune system is important. High amounts of vitamin C for new cell growth, Oregano oil pills work great for bacteria in the gut or antibiotic's. Pro-Biotics with the right Bacteria that does not feed the good and bad yeast and Bacteria that builds good Yeast especially in female genitalia. Malassezia Yeast Blogs have all of that information regarding good Pro-Biotics versus the bad ones.
Kidney and Liver support is important because the adrenals are being overloaded with toxins, die-off and poisons. Drink plenty of water.
I do not know if there is natural life span for this stuff, of the Nano Technology which has created and/0r allowed the bacteria the Fruitflys incorporate in their Myasias to happen. All I do know is that the parasite is no longer present but the Fungus/Yeast travels on its own and is pretty freaky. It is attracted by moisture of breathe and for me, did not respond to sounds, which was a relief because the idea of intelligent life form living on the skin would be really freaky. But, I read also that most conditions die out in the months following a hospital stay in normal healthy patients. That have me led to believe there is a life span, beginning and end. So there must be something that triggers this end chemically.
If I come across anything I will let you know.
I use paper towels and no longer cloth towels. Take out the trash often and keep my sink clean, emptying out the dishwasher when it is done to keep any dirty dishes out of the open room. I sprayed my house plants with Permethrin also. Someone else recommended boiling water down the drain at night, ammonia and even bleach. I have kept the sinks plugged at night and sprayed the breather holes with poison to deter any from climbing up the holes. I also sprayed the skylights with Permethrin to keep the small wood mite from breeding and adding to the Eco system.
I have been in a frantic mode as the weather changes in Southern California to warm. I need to have a handle on this situation before I have run out of time and heat/humidity take over.