It is this simple:
Worms in the skin take advantage of the destruction of the cells and expelling of yummy undigested lymph fluids.
Medical along time ago named and pictured the worms that love to live inside the acne area....
Most humans can "squeeze" the pores on their nose and expel a white string----a string Dr. Hulda Clark called WHITE BLOOD CELLS-----what real medical doctors along time ago correctly identified as UNDIGESTED FOOD.........
The white head, the black head, the acne of every degree is a sign of undigested food and worms.
Some years back an asian man was u-tubed as an asian type doctors apparently rubbed insect acid on the man's face and hundreds of worms "exited" his face and that video impressed me so much that I decided to make a u-tube video education for free on my website of the best of the best "REAL" life human parasites and anyone can watch that video and it is 'real" and the same type worms that are at the foundation of acne and skin issues...
UNTIL I turned to herbs, I could squeeze my nose just as Dr. Clark describes in her book to obtain a white blood cell sample...same as many teens and adults already have been doing since the dawn of the modern food age and bad diets...
Once into herbs, that all dissipated as the human body became more and more parasite resistant......reduction of worms allows the body to LIVE and stop being eaten up so much and not spend all its time replacing cells/tissues.
Worms can be "DRIVEN" out of sight, but that does not necessarily mean they were killed....many a great past doctor wrote that what comes out the skin, may actually be saving your life; because the internal organs were too overwhelmed with worms and waste and failed, so the skin had to become the dumping grounds...
With acne as most human ailments, no doubt it is iodine related, aka hormone related and once a problem, the worms come to feast....
THE SKIN breathes in and out similar as the lungs do...people don't realize it, but what they ate, can be assimilated into the blood stream and exhaled out their lungs and their skin all within 15 minutes, "IF" it was a true human food they consumed...and basically every none human food never gets assimilated, never gets used and hopefully ends up down the toilet and not up and out the face as acne...
Acne and all human disease can be summed up as "constipation" and worms.
So ideally, what ever method is used to cure acne must address constipation and worms, otherwise the method may just drive worms to a different area of the body, such as the internal organs and a person may create an unnatural situation that will have to be dealt with all over again..
OR NOT, each person has o self-experiment and discover what works for the long term for them...
Pre- my first orange juice "fast", I used hand cream 3x daily in the factory along with 2 pairs of cloves on 8 hours every day to protect my hands...............after my orange juice fast, I got new skin, all new skin and I have never used hand creams ever since, have had no need to.
The "orange" juice fast enabled the immune systems to seek out and burn up 50 pounds of internal waste and in that process after day 30, the old skin turned red and flaky as new skin pushed it up and off....
That is no cure, actually, nothing you are going to do will be THE CURE, I am 100% convinced we humans can improve every day for the rest of our lives as THE WORMS discover they can't thrive inside our body and as those worms leave.....we humans can discover that we can be "better", because hundreds if not thousands of years ago, we were GIANTS compared to the puny, sickly specimens we are today....and that inheritness is in our dna make up...and seeking to be restored...the blue print exist way back in our history..
So we will never know the cure, but we can experience improvement and the great doctors suggested it would take 7 generations of doing "perfect" to return humans back to perfection.
Olive Oil, Castor Oil applied to the skin can actually "DROWN" certain types of worms, flood them so they can't breathe.......but naturally worms that can eat and swim through the flesh would not be affected.
Treating worms internally that enables the blood stream and applying herbs externally to the skin, goes together and olive oil, castor oil are great herbs.....and those that ad a few drops of oregano oil would surely see a dramatic improvement and maybe a drop of would be very "EASY" to blend a potent plant oil formula specifically for the treatment of acne and be 'fun" for anyone.....but they should never ignore the colon and all of the elimination organs and get the worms and waste out.....because the skin never shows an internal problem if the skin is not perfect.....people who have perfect skin are all beautiful....always....nature never lies. While bad skin is never attractive and in nature, it is all about attractiveness....survival of the fittest....the desirable people make the next generation, while the outcast fade away...that is NATURE.