There are so many variables -- that the question itself is flawed.(no offense) The thing is, YES, the pure answer
is yes! That is, water only, according to thirst, resting, and following the tenets of Natural Hygiene--which are, to get sun,
to exercise lightly, and with a sense of true appreciation... (implying lots of emotional work is completed. or being undertaken)...
to rest...did I say that? I think awhole book could be written on the subject of what consotutues rest...working or not.
But as you know, or have a sense of, there is more to it than the water fast... We have to be honest with ourselves, assess
where we are at. But, in terms of offering some inspiration to follow the water fast through..
I feel confident in is well worth it.
Please read in the Soil and Health Library... what the water fasters/masters have to say--and to offer, following on their long experience.
best, C