July first, 2010 the FDA eliminates all the small herbal companies!!!!!!!!!!! This is the year! After July First, you will see all herbal capsules going way up in price as the USA starts treating herbs more like the European Medical strong hold has for years; driving the small business's out.
Those making capsules have to test each pound of herbal powder before they make a capsule, after they make a capsule and then just prior to selling their bottles wholesale.
According to the small company that makes our capsules, the mandatory test per pound of herbs cost $50 per test. They told us that many companies are going to try to cheat and do 1 test per batch....a batch could be 500+ pounds of herbal powders, etc......but the law is specific stating they want a test for every pound used. This will drive the price sky high, more like european prescription herbs.
This allows the fda to have total control over "all" herbal capsules...tracking who makes them and who buys them.
Their gimmick is claiming the poor people that pick the herbs, are sickly humans and their breath/touch spreads germs to the herbs they touched....MEDICAL knows this all too well, because every doctor and every nurse that has ever taken a cavvination is walking petre dish of fungus and the reason why people enter a hospital with a mild problem and are carried home with staff.
The capsules have always been tested, but by the batch and not by the pound......the poound by pound testing is more than the market can absorb, so they will raise the prices very soon.
FREEDOM is being taken away by the "organized" crimminals of this world aS THEY SEEK TOTAL CONTROL, mafia style. World wide disease is here now, because the organized crimminals have been poisoning the general population for 60+ years now. They want total control of every drop of water you drink, they have control of all corporation made foods and corporation made products.
We have only been told about the capsule side of the new July first laws and no doubt many if not all herbal products are going to be controlled and all of the grass roots small family owned and even the larger independant herbal companies will all be driven out of business.
Those that have zero intentions of ever learning how to wild craft their own herbal supplies, should fill their freezers full of the essentials they like best. Everything we have made after July First has to come from a higher priced supplier, higher priced encapsulation, etc.....so the prices have to jump......this is how world wide gov. controls humans, they know $$$$$$$$$$ changes the way the humans live.
No doubt many herbal businesses will shut down or be shut down this year. Just a friendly warning, the same one Dr. Christopher was warning people 50 years ago that in about 50 years herbs would become impossible to obtain.
Their goal is all "standardized" herbs, which are nothing but mild toxic drugs, made in labs. Medical has hated herbs for 100 years, their union now controls much of the governments world wide, they have the power to stop all of the good doctors.....the colleges teach the doctors to be, to poison your unborn child, your baby, your toddler, your teenager...any good MD in North America, if not the entire world, would tell you that, "IF" he was your friend. If you trust your life, your family to strangers, trained in colleges controlled by the governments....then you truely have blind faith......find the books, such as BOOK I an let food be your medicines and learn how to harvest and use local herbs.....that way you can allow the world to pass you by and make your area your heaven on earth.
How their laws makes more jobs for the college educated......more lab testers, more doctors....EVERY LAW is for more jobs of the college educated. The system is the MONSTER that has world wide destruction coming at a rapid rate.
The higher educated are trained to trust drug made herbs and fear "nature"....
How many college educated humans trust getting dirty, trust drinking out of a creek or eating fruits direct from the tree or garden......how many educated humans do not fear "dirt"... DIRTY is not wise, but the extreme is "STERLIZATION" via radiation, high heat, etc....making the foods worthless and toxic to the human body.
We humans are 85% bacteria.....
less = disease
more = disease....
Prices go up as wages go down.....you know what this means for America....how many more years can the poor people survive; before they all stick their hands out for welfare?