Reading the accounts on this forum should convince you. There's a few on this page, read the post below, from Hanna, describing her experiences. if you read the accounts from many of the experienced flushers, and also accounts from people being surprised at all the different stuff that they released, you oughta be convinced.
If the stones were made olive oil/grapefruit juice, then people would pass the same type, color, amount of stones every single time. there would be no variance on what is released from one flush to the next. but people pass all sorts of stuff - chaff/gravel type stuff, worms, brown stones, green stones, calcified stones, white stones, black stones, many very smelly. at other times these same people pass nothing. at other times yet still, they pass bigger stones than ever. Also at a certain point, after many flushes, people stop passing any stones at all, or maybe just have a very few. assuming they always drink the same amount of olive oil/grapefruit juice, they'd pass the same exact thing every time.
I drink alot of juice at times, even right after eating a greasy meal with say bacon, or butter on toast. granted its not a half a cup of oil, but i've been known to eat many
ounces of icecream, and fruits. alot of times they go together - berries and icecream. i don't know about you, but i've never passed anything even resembling any of these stones. if all i were passing were the olive oil/juice mixture, then it would be very easy to duplicate it with other juice and fat combinations.
oz of oil and 4
oz of citrus juice isn't enough to pass the amount of stones that people pass with one flush. Check out the pictures and see how many cups of stones people get - usually much, much more than 1 cup worth.
people get incredible results, not everyone, but many, with liver flushing. i've read time and time again about cholesterol lowering over 100 points. drinking a drink like olive oil wouldn't fix that problem if the stones weren't real. and people's liver/gb wouldn't improve as well.
then lastly there's the smell of some of the stones that are released. new stones from olive oil/grapefruit juice wouldn't smell like they'd been in the garbage can for a few years.
regarding the doctors, the last person I'd believe about what can fix things, about anything, is a doctor. Curezone is full of people fixing 'incurable' problems. I've learned its all dependent upon viewpoint, and the medical viewpoint is so embarassingly narrow that it doesn't allow for natural remedies. Doctors can be very good at diagnosis, but very not-good at fixing things, in general. they're taught that the only way to 'heal' is with a pill. but these pills themselves are very dangerous, hence the side effects. healing the natural way may have side effects along the way, no doubt it does. but when the healing is done, its really done. with a pill, nothing is really solved, and very often the person gets sicker in a different way then they ever would have without the pharmecutical intervention. So personally the fact that a doctor doesn't understand, to me, means nothing.
Doctors are good at saying 'this percentage of people in a certain age group will develop cancer, this many will live, this percentage will die.' but they are not good at saying, 'this is why you have developed cancer.' the folks that can tell you why, be it energy workers or natural healers, or people on curezone, are the same ones that may have a clue as to what to do about the problem. To me, the fact that the doctors are so extremely poor at the 'why' question is in accordance with their low cure rate.