(This is a testimonial using various products that
http://www.vitalityscience.com has to offer. Hope this helps :)
I am a new customer and have called your hotline a couple of times now since July 19. I spoke to Steve and I wanted to attach this PowerPoint that I put together for my concerned family and friends. Pepper is my 9 year old schnauzer that was diagnosed with Lymph sarcoma about a week ago. We started Vital Lipids about three weeks ago and are on day 2 with Celloquent. I am amazed at my dogs progress since starting the vital lipids alone. Pepper went from having to be hand fed and picked up to go outside to relieve himself to his usual personality. I strongly feel that this supplement (Vital Lipids) has helped my dog and his overall health in just three weeks. We have been using a mix of Peroxide and Baking soda to shrink the tumors on his back. So with the Vital Lipids healing him internally and the topical Peroxide Baking Soda treatment I am seeing some amazing results.
We just sprinkle baking soda on his sores then apply peroxide. Let it sit for a few minutes then rinse. The sores instantly turn very red but several hours later the sores begin to dry and shrink . The sores dried in a matter of two days. They were raised and leaking pus and blood.
I will keep you posted on his progress using the Celloquent. Thank you so much! This is like a miracle.
On Thursday August 5, 2010 Pepper was diagnosed with Canine Lymph sarcoma which is a form of cancer. This was devastating news. At first I cried and cried but then I prayed..and I prayed and I continue to pray. Today I feel better than I ever have because through Peppers strength I have found strength. I wanted to update you with information on how this all came about and where we stand today.
March 2, 2010 Pepper was seen for a neurological episode. At that time Pepper had a small wound on his hind leg that was infected. The wound could have been the cause for the episode is what we were told. Pepper was given some
Antibiotics and steroids. A couple of weeks later Pepper was seen for his annual exam and was given some other
Antibiotics for this wound that would not heal. Over the next month Pepper’s belly would get worse as more small sores would appear and some scaly patches. Cytology was done to see if there may be a possible ring worm. Ten days later we found that it was not ringworm. Pepper was given another course of
Antibiotics and more steroids.
By April Pepper was to return on a weekly basis for some medicated bath treatment. By May we returned and cytology was done this time suspecting that there was yeast so Pepper was given more antibiotics and steroids. After no improvement by June a biopsy. At this point we decided to go for a second opinion.
We were examined for the 2nd opinion and without any blood work we were told that this was severe dermatitis caused by allergies. It was recommended that we order this High tech Allergy exam and not to bathe until the results were in which will be approx three weeks. The next day pepper had some blood in his urine so we returned. We were told that pepper needed to stay overnight because he was dehydrated and had a severe kidney infection in addition to suspicion of Cushing’s disease.
The following day when I picked up pepper I was given a prescription for special food and told that there was concern for peppers gall bladder and liver. I was then told that we will need to repeat the ACTH test on July 30 but we will need to have an ultrasound for peppers gall bladder and some type of liver exam will need to be done. I asked about the real issue at hand..Peppers Skin. This was dismissed quickly and I was told that they will address this later because his gall bladder may be diseased. At this point I would not return to this vet.
I then reached out to Tuskegee Veterinary School for possible consultation. I typed up a summary detailing this entire medical fiasco. While I was waiting for some response from Tuskegee, I decided to take Pepper to Banfield Hospital in Petsmart. There we found that the vets were dumbfounded at what they say in Peppers skin. We saw three different Vets, had one week of
Antibiotic treatment before they decided to do Skin Biopsy. In addition we learned that Pepper has a large bladder stone and enlarged liver. The Vet felt that his liver was enlarged due to extensive steroid treatment. This is when we discovered that Pepper has Canine Lymposarcoma which brings us to today August 10, 2010. Additionally, I noticed that Pepper would not lift his leg when he urinated. In the last few days, Pepper now lifts his leg. Also, Pepper had been shivering which is a typical sign for pain in dogs but surprisingly he has not done this in the last few days as well. Pepper’s attitude is amazing. He went from a severe lethargic state to coming back around to the Pepper we all know and adore.
We are currently on day 19 using Vital Lipids from Vitality Science. 2 tsp daily Other natural remedies include:
Bottled Spring H2O
Cancer Diet (Organic Chicken and Turkey) 75% Protein and 25% organic veggies (pumpkin, broccoli and squash) prepared by mom daily
Host Defense Mushroom vitamins
Celloquent from Vitality Science
Superfood from Vitality Science
Mom has created a spreadsheet to record my daily progress (temperature, feeding times, vitamin and medicine times, behavior and moods)
Dad gives me a bath with a Mix of Baking Soda and Peroxide which seems to shrink my tumors.
With prayer, Vitality
Science and cancer diet we will continue to monitor our progress!
Kym Collins
Mobile, AL