It was not me with the MS... that was refreshed. This March is three years since
I got angry at my doctor and sought my own answers... I am a world of difference
better for it too. If you followed my older post you would know that I had;
chronic constipation - I have normal bowel movements now
Chronic indigestion and acid reflux - all gone now
Very poor completion - no issues now
chronic brain fog - no issues now - even with less than 5 hours of sleep (I like
to get between 7 and 8 if I can)
fluid retention - gone now
high blood pressure - gone now
anxiety and depression (literally had a disabling break down in 1998) - gone now
Shortness of breath; poor aerobic/cardiovascular capacity - gone now
Had elevated liver enzymes - gone now
Skin tags every where - gone now
chronic athletes foot - gone now
chronic jock rot - gone now
seborrheic dermatitis - gone now
eczema - gone now
finger nail ridges - gone now
gingivitis - gone now
loose teeth - solid now and straighting out!
receding gums - grew back
chronic bad breath - gone now
chronic congestion - gone now
watery eyes - gone now...
diagnosed with arthritis in back, knees, shoulders, elbows, and hands - all gone
Chronic muscle stiffness, cramping, and very limited range of motion - gone now
You would also know that I have had two knee surgeries on each knee, a back
surgery, nearly lost a few fingers at one time or another in occupational
accidents, and nearly lost my left leg below the knee in a motorcycle accident.
The only thing that nags me today is my left knee, which has greatly improved
range of motion and rarely aches anymore unless it is both damp and cold at the
same time; Occasionally my right knee will complain if I push the envelope with
a very active day... but it did that after a hard day as a kid too :-)
I was told 7 years ago to accept and have knee replacements. I was literally sat
down and ganged up on to have them by my families (both sides) and friends
because I could hardly walk and almost needed help getting into, and up out of a
chair. I could only walk up stairs one at a time and at one time, would silently
cry in pain when I had to navigate them.
I refused the replacements, and am glad I did now... Both knees are working
almost good as new. The left only had about 10% cartilage and the right 20%
cartilage, with both being bone on bone so bad there was (may still be) scar
tissue (internal bleeding from rubbing on each other) build up on both the ends
of the femur and tibia on both legs. I have considered going back to my knee
surgeon just for kicks to see the look on his face when I "ran" and jumped in
The nagging issue today is nearly all range of motion which I try to force due
to my level of physical activity now... and range of motion continues to
improve... even my doctor friends are impressed. Two of these doctor friend
families are now eating organic and the majority of their food raw... guess why?
I am sure they are better nutritional consultants to their patients as well.
There is a lot more... but you can go back and read my old posts if you wish.
I do still have a ways to go till "youthful" knees return, but the rest of me is
there baby! :-)
I can do 100 push ups, 600 sit ups and rebound till the cows come home... not to
mention take and teach martial arts again, hike and hang with the youngest
(sometimes carrying them) and best of them at 52.
I figured 4 - 5 years to my max recovery... I am three years in and now believe
in hindsight that goal was realistic. I hope it happens this year... and it
might the way things are going. My knees have progressed a great deal in just
the past few months; but then small gains in my knees are noticed by me... and
others too.
I wish that those people hoping and vying for a quick "fix" within a day/week or
two would see that those unrealistic desires, after years of party and health
neglect is very unreasonable; I would hope that they would see the value in
perseverance and patience.
I am no fool. I know damn well that if I go back to my old dietary ways, I will
regress. Heck, one less than ideal meal now and I feel the difference... I do
not punish myself for falling off the wagon... I usually have fun doing it :-),
but I get back on track with a cleansing meal, or even a liquid fast for 24
hours, next time up to the plate :-)
People want something that will "work" and allow them to eat and live the way
they always have... you cannot have your cake and eat it too, without paying the
price. If you are willing to pay the price, have at it... I am not.
Is what I am doing through eating the best I can, the alkalizing protocol, and
pushing physical activity a "cure" for me... sure it is. If I stop doing it will
I regress? Most likely. I WILL pay the price in consequences for my folly; I
know too well what those consequences are and refuse to accept it... the price
is too high. Been there, done that.
Health and well being is a lifelong pursuit; I am in the hunt.