Hello #98093,
skin eruptions and skin-related health conditions such as eczema and
Psoriasis do seem to become worse before they become better on a water fast. The explanation for this is that the skin is a major organ of elimination, and therefore the body-cleansing accomplished by fasting will make the skin appear to be in a worse condition because of this.
Although you may not perceive any tangible benefits from your fast, while fasting, there will be a great deal of internal healing and cleansing being done, especially on a 30 to 40 day fast, and probably without you being aware of it.
It was only AFTER my first fast of 25 days, on re-feeding, that I really began to notice the amazing benefits that I thought were not taking place during it.
The chilliness and coldness of hands and feet during a fast are well established and documented amongst fasters..........
"Chilling causes discomfort, prevents rest and sleep, and checks elimination. It may, in some cases, cause nausea, vomiting and pain. Warmth promotes comfort and elimination. The patient who is kept warm recovers more rapidly. A hot jug to the feet will usually be sufficient to insure comfort and prevent chilling. The faster should net be overburdened with bed clothing."