Today is the end of day two for me I have been doing it for 15 min two times in a row twice a day. I noticed big difference in teeth being much brighter and whiter, pain decreased. skin clearer still no bags under eyes, and I have always had bags under eyes. Things are definitly getting better fast.
Yes, when I wake up first thing I do is swish 15 min. while I do light chores, then spit out rinse and do another 15 min. right after that. Just before dinner I would swish again 15 min. rinse and do another 15 min. while I prep. for dinner. I do this everyday, so far so good.
Be careful, cassiebumps. I did that for two days and ended up with a very sore mouth, throat and gums. Some wise soul here said it was "die off" of some suspected peridondal issue. Too much too soon can be detrimental.