My experience is as follows:
1. Follow the morning diet. Cooked cereal, fresh fruit and vegetables, and cooked potato.
2. After 2 PM don’t eat anything.
3. At 6 PM you will take an ES drink, and again at 8 PM.
4. By 10 PM, when you take the oil (olive oil) mixture, you should have had several bowel movements (BM) that pretty much eliminates everything you ate that day. By 10 PM the BM’s will be relatively clear.
5. The next morning, after 6AM, you will take another ES drink.
6. The BM’s at this time will contain the stones, etc. There may still be some food left over from the day before. When I did mine I did not analyze everything in detail. I was concentrating on what was coming out of the bile system.
After I started the ES drinks at 6 PM, I don’t remember urinating at all. Maybe some with the BM’s, but I don’t think anything came out that way.
I appreciate your apprehension, because I sure had mine. However, at no time did I feel pain or discomfort. I don’t think I ever did anything that was so easy. You don’t have to look after a BM, but I think for your own peace of mind, you may want see how much is coming out.
The only suggestion I would make is do a
Colon Cleanse prior to the LF. If anything else, it helps identify what is coming from where. From what I read, and then tried to follow through on, was you need to make sure your digestive tract is clear to make sure everything comes out un-obstructive
If you do the
parasite cleanse first, I think I would have freaked out also if something live came out my butt. However, I think the only day I saw something was the first two days, when there might have been liver flukes. However I ate some tomatoes the day before. How do I know I had die off? Whenever I had die off I felt bad, and when they came out in the BM, they smelled bad.
Are you having symptoms of parasites? I didn’t have any symptoms, but now I know I do. I still don’t have any symptoms. I feel I could have done the
Liver-Flush without the
parasites cleanse, but who knows?
Why don’t you start with a good colon cleanse, drink lots of water (1/2 body weight in oz’s), start eating a heavy dose of fresh fruits and vegetables, avoid processed food (bread from enriched flower, sugars, etc.) and dairy products, throw some real food into the mix (fish, salads, steamed vegetables), and take your vitamins. Do that for a week. Eat healthy, eat sensibly, but eat in moderation. When I did it, I had a steak one night, and had a glass of wine several nights. I didn’t loose any sleep over it, and it tasted great. Now if you’re sick, I would probably lean more towards the fresh fruits and vegetables (green, yellow, etc.). In addition, you might want ask about your sickness, and get some feedback from those who have similar experiences.
If you’re still alive after a week of this, consider what you want to do next. It will be a confidence builder. However, if you do this for a week, and you kick the bucket (croak, go belly up, buy the farm, etc.) please let me know (this is the most important thing, but only after your demise…not before).