Hi all.
After posting a thread here yesterday pleading for help with recurring bartholin's cyst/abscess which has flared up for the third time in ten months, I had a lucky find whilst searching for alternative remedies on the internet.
Try this if you have a bartholin's gland cyst or abscess. It worked for me today, and several times for the woman who posted it on another forum:
Mix 1 fl
oz calamine lotion with 1 teaspoon each of tea tree oil and witch hazel. Soak a pad or cotton ball in the mixture and press it against the lump for half an hour or so. The relief from the burning pain is almost instantaneous. It spontaneously drained an hour later for me, I hope you have the same result!
I am going to cancel my marsupialisatin operation and see how I go relying on this remedy. I'm also going to do liver, kidney flushes and hopefully that's the last I'll see of the damn thing!
If you intend to try it, please post your results so we can see if it is just 'coincidence' (I think not).
All the best