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Where can I buy 35% food grade H2O2?
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i would not buy from garden of eden again by harleydbaby2002 16 year 3 of 3 (100%)
i ordered h2o2 food grade from http://www.pureh2o2forhealth.com/
it came in a sealed bottle. i reordered from garden of eden BOTH bottles arrived distended, with no seal & had leaked into plastic wrap. i reordered from the original link (Celeste's Home Page for pure certified 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide) where the reassurance of quality was well worth a little more money. i am going to throw the garden of eden stuff out.
you might also want to check halfbay or amazon for the book THE ONE MINUTE CURE that tells all about the h2o2 and benefits and how to use.
Viewed 110124 times
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i ordered h2o2 food grade from http://www.pureh2o2forhealth.com/
it came in a sealed bottle. i reordered from garden of eden BOTH bottles arrived distended, with no seal & had leaked into plastic wrap. i reordered from the original link (Celeste's Home Page for pure certified 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide) where the reassurance of quality was well worth a little more money. i am going to throw the garden of eden stuff out.
you might also want to check halfbay or amazon for the book THE ONE MINUTE CURE that tells all about the h2o2 and benefits and how to use.
Viewed 110124 times
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Where to buy 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide by #48229 19 year 6 of 9 (66%)
There are a lot of places on the internet that sell 35% hydrogen peroxide. Before you take it be sure to read the precautions at http://stopcancer.com/oxygen.htm . I bought mine from Garden of Eden at http://www.dfwx.com/h2o2.htm I got their other version of hydrogen peroxide called Jutrian Rx. It is supposed to have lots of minerals in it too.
You can read all about it at the site. I think either of these places or a lot of other places on the net could be a good place to buy it but since I bought mine from one place and have personally met and talked to Dr. Donsbach that are the two places that come to mind. Very few health food places carry it and you can figure out why when you read all the precautions that are on both of these sites.
Good Luck
Viewed 157423 times
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There are a lot of places on the internet that sell 35% hydrogen peroxide. Before you take it be sure to read the precautions at http://stopcancer.com/oxygen.htm . I bought mine from Garden of Eden at http://www.dfwx.com/h2o2.htm I got their other version of hydrogen peroxide called Jutrian Rx. It is supposed to have lots of minerals in it too.
You can read all about it at the site. I think either of these places or a lot of other places on the net could be a good place to buy it but since I bought mine from one place and have personally met and talked to Dr. Donsbach that are the two places that come to mind. Very few health food places carry it and you can figure out why when you read all the precautions that are on both of these sites.
Good Luck
Viewed 157423 times
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Where Can I Buy 35% Food Grade H2O2? by OxygenLynne 13 year 2 of 3 (66%)
Hi, it's Lynne Gordon. Well its been over a year since I answered this question. It is good to check back in and share what I have learned in all this time.
I have now been on my own Oxygen Therapy Program for 3 and a half years now and I feel better, I look better and I am definitely living better.
I originally started H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) therapy because I was looking for something to help a friend of mine who had been diagnosed with cervical cancer. I refused to accept that burning her with radiation, poisoning her with Chemotherapy and killing her with toxic cocktails was an acceptable treatment.
I bought the H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) and she began taking it and within 3 months her doctor told her that the cancer was shrinking so he put off starting any treatments for her at her request. He didn't like it but he did it.
Today she is cancer-free.
And today I make myself available to help others who want to know the proper way to use H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) therapy to self-treat themselves.
I'm here if you need me.
Viewed 97157 times
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Hi, it's Lynne Gordon. Well its been over a year since I answered this question. It is good to check back in and share what I have learned in all this time.
I have now been on my own Oxygen Therapy Program for 3 and a half years now and I feel better, I look better and I am definitely living better.
I originally started H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) therapy because I was looking for something to help a friend of mine who had been diagnosed with cervical cancer. I refused to accept that burning her with radiation, poisoning her with Chemotherapy and killing her with toxic cocktails was an acceptable treatment.
I bought the H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) and she began taking it and within 3 months her doctor told her that the cancer was shrinking so he put off starting any treatments for her at her request. He didn't like it but he did it.
Today she is cancer-free.
And today I make myself available to help others who want to know the proper way to use H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) therapy to self-treat themselves.
I'm here if you need me.
Viewed 97157 times
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Where Can I Buy H2O2? by #118566 15 year 1 of 2 (50%)
This amazing new product for use in oxygen therapy is catching on. But many people who are not familiar with it do not understand just how dangerous it can be.
I have been on oxygen therapy for the past 2 years. When I started I didn't know a lot about it but after I read up on it a bit, I decided to try it for my arthritis. I didn't have any health insurance at the time so I didn't have access to doctors to get medications.
I purchased my H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) at The Oxygen Therapy Program. The lady there helped me understand a lot.
There were some weeks when I emailed her 3 or 4 times a day and she always responded quickly and very sweetly.
When I ran out I went back to her because I was so grateful for all her help that first year.
So yes, I am still taking oral oxygen therapy because after that first week of being on it, I haven't had not one twinge of arthritis. That pain was hell and I am glad to get it gone.
I don't know how to put in the link to her website so it is here: http://www.oxygentherapyprogram.com
Viewed 105777 times
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This amazing new product for use in oxygen therapy is catching on. But many people who are not familiar with it do not understand just how dangerous it can be.
I have been on oxygen therapy for the past 2 years. When I started I didn't know a lot about it but after I read up on it a bit, I decided to try it for my arthritis. I didn't have any health insurance at the time so I didn't have access to doctors to get medications.
I purchased my H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) at The Oxygen Therapy Program. The lady there helped me understand a lot.
There were some weeks when I emailed her 3 or 4 times a day and she always responded quickly and very sweetly.
When I ran out I went back to her because I was so grateful for all her help that first year.
So yes, I am still taking oral oxygen therapy because after that first week of being on it, I haven't had not one twinge of arthritis. That pain was hell and I am glad to get it gone.
I don't know how to put in the link to her website so it is here: http://www.oxygentherapyprogram.com
Viewed 105777 times
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Lung cancer by #225195 8 year 1 of 2 (50%)
Cure for lung cancer using hydrogen peroxide.
Viewed 14677 times
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Cure for lung cancer using hydrogen peroxide.
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H2O2, Hydrogen peroxide, health food store by focusonhealth 11 year 0 of 1 (0%)
>> Where can I buy 35% food grade H2O2?
There is no need to order online and wait for up to 5 days.
Simply CALL your local health food store,
make sure they HAVE it,
then buy it LOCALLY,
and buy it TODAY.
Viewed 64365 times
All focusonhealth's Answers
>> Where can I buy 35% food grade H2O2?
There is no need to order online and wait for up to 5 days.
Simply CALL your local health food store,
make sure they HAVE it,
then buy it LOCALLY,
and buy it TODAY.
Viewed 64365 times
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oxygen therapy program by ThatgirlMary 11 year 0 of 1 (0%)
oxygen therapy program seems like a big marketing company posting, considering all the posts are almost the exact same lol. Bugging up the forums :(
Viewed 65684 times
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oxygen therapy program seems like a big marketing company posting, considering all the posts are almost the exact same lol. Bugging up the forums :(
Viewed 65684 times
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Where I buy my h2o2 by ThatgirlMary 11 year 0 of 1 (0%)
Over the counter H2o2 is not actually strong enough to actually make a difference, you will waste time and money and its not exactly delicious lol.I buy mine from Guardian of Eden (real 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide), recently I started using the jutrian RX. Currently using brown but I think im gonna jump to the silver. Anyways, they are so helpful and they've been in business for years theyre very helpful and so passionate. They have lots of info on their site even if you don't want to buy from them they have lots of good info that's worth reading
Viewed 65779 times
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Over the counter H2o2 is not actually strong enough to actually make a difference, you will waste time and money and its not exactly delicious lol.I buy mine from Guardian of Eden (real 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide), recently I started using the jutrian RX. Currently using brown but I think im gonna jump to the silver. Anyways, they are so helpful and they've been in business for years theyre very helpful and so passionate. They have lots of info on their site even if you don't want to buy from them they have lots of good info that's worth reading
Viewed 65779 times
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