Enema/Enima: Colon Hydrotherapy
Colonics, Coffee Enema, Epsom Salt Enima, Probiotics Enema
"Did you know that in one form or another cleansing of the large intestine (bowel or colon) has been practiced since 1500 BC (over 3500 years!)? Colon Lavage was first recorded in the Egyptian document, Ebers Papyrus, which dealt with the practice of medicine." The Ebers papyrus is a roll 20.23 m long and 30 cm high; the text is distributed in 108 columns of 20 to 22 lines each. It contains 877 recipes concerning a great variety of diseases or symptoms. The Ebers Papyrus comprises 110 pages, and is by far the most lengthy of the medical papyri. It is dated c. 1534 B.C. However, one portion of the papyrus suggests a much earlier origin. http://www.crystalinks.com/egyptmedicine.html
On this page you can read:
- What is Enema/Enima?
- Why Enema/Enima? Who needs Enema/Enima?
- Can I do an enema/enima if I am pregnant or nursing a baby (breastfeeding)?
- What do I need to do an enema?
- How do I do an Enema?
- Different Enema Recipes?
- What is Yoghurt Enema (home made yoghurt)?
- Who needs Yoghurt Enema?
- What is Fecal Colon Flora Replacement, What is Fecal Enema?
- Who needs fecal Colon Flora Replacement Enema?
- What is Clarkia Enema, Clarkia Enima?
- What is Colon Hydrotherapy?
- What is Coffee Enema, Coffee Enima?
- Enema Links?
- Enema Recommended Books?
- Enema Related Pages?
- Enema Forum?
Enema / Enima / Colonic irrigation is a very
powerful therapy! Be very careful and gentle when doing enema, Be very careful when doing any enema with herbal extracts, Not all people tolerate those herbs the same way. If you are unable to drink or tolerate coffee, or garlic, or apple cider vinegar orraly, it is possible that using it from the rear end will not be good for you. If you choose to use any herbal extract with enema
water, try first the smaller amount, and if you feel good, you can try more the
next time. Use your brain! Warning on taking enema daily: The majority of people should not use enema daily. Do not use enima daily for longer then 7 - 10 days or you risk
getting addicted to enema! Is there any situation when taking daily enema could be desirable? Yes, there is! If you are diagnosed with an advanced stage of Cancer or AIDS or if you contracted some potentially lethal infectious disease like Smallpox, SARS, Flu, Meningitis, Measles, Anthrax, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Influenza, Lyme, ... or any other serious progressive disease (endangering your life or your future), in that case the last thing you should be worried is getting addicted to enema. In that case, taking daily enema can mean the difference between living and dying. Many people won their battle against cancer, AIDS, infectious disseases thanks to taking daily enemas for 10, 20 or 50 days in a raw ... In case of cancer, most commonly taken enemas are: coffee enema, wheat grass enema, shark cartilage enema, probiotics enema, enema with herbal extracts, clarkia enema, herbal tea enema, vitamin E enema, ozonated oil enema, ... I am addicted to Enema, what can I do?If you are already addicted to enema, the only way to overcome addiction is to insure that you have the best bacteria present inside your colon. To bring good bacteria into your colon, follow the guidelines for Fecal Colon Flora Replacement, Fecal Enema! |
What is Enema / Enima?
Word "Enema" usually refers to a liquid that is forced (by low pressure) into the rectum,
through anus, in order to induce bowel movement, or to wash/cleanse colon,
or to re-populate colon with good bacteria, or to treat colon disease and colon
related illness!
Enema is an ancient remedy for all kinds of ailments, and especially for people suffering from serious injuries, constipation, poisoning, acute headache, flu,
meningitis, parasites, measles, common cold, food poisoning.
If you take an enema on the Colema Board, it is then called "Colema".
If you go to a professional Colonics Therapist, it is called "Colonics".
In every case, it is a liquid inside your colon.
Some people think that Enema can only reach descending Colon. That is wrong. If you take enough water, and if you try to keep it as long as possible while massaging your abdomen, also while laying on the floor and rolling on the floor, enema water will reach every part of your colon. It may not happened when you take it the first time, but practice will help.
It is believed that ancient people were using enemas as far as 10 thousand years ago. Enema as a remedy survived test of time.
Why Enema / Enima? Who needs Enima?
You need enema if you are diagnosed, or you suspect to be suffering from: Constipation, Candidiasis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) (Ulcerative Colitis, Crohns Disease, Colitus), Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Colon Cancer, Hemorrhoids, Prostate Cancer, Prostatitis, Enlarged Prostate, Allergies, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Gallstones, MCS, MS, FMS, Infertility, Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, Body Odor, Mouth Odor, Peeling Lips, Rosacea, ALS, AIDS, Bone Cancer, Leukemia, Parasites, Infectious Diseases, ...
Can I do an enema if I am pregnant or nursing a baby?
Both pregnant women and nursing women have safely done enemas. Many of them. No known risks are associated with clean water enema, but if you are pregnant, you should avoid enema containing herbs listed below.
Herbs that should not be used during pregnancy are:
- Aloe Vera The leaves are strongly purgative and should not be taken internally.
- Thuja, Arbor vitae (Thuja occidentalis) A uterine and menstrual stimulant that could damage the fetus.
- Autumn crocus (Colichicum autumnale) Can affect cell division and lead to birth defects.
- Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) Contains high levels of berberine, known to stimulate uterine contractions.
- Basil oil A uterine stimulant; use only during labor.
- Beth root (Trillium erectum) A uterine stimulant; use only during labor.
- Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosus) May lead to premature contractions; avoid unless under professional guidance. Safe to use during childbirth.
- Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) A uterine stimulant that in quite small doses also causes vomiting.
- Blue cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides) A uterine stimulant to avoid unless under professional guidance. Safe to use during childbirth.
- Broom (Cytisus scoparius) Causes uterine contractions so should be avoided during pregnancy; in parts of Europe it is given after the birth to prevent blood loss.
- Bugleweed (Lycopus virginicus) Interferes with hormone production in the pituitary gland, so best avoided.
- Clove oil A uterine stimulant used only during labor.
- Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) Contains toxic chemicals that will cross the placenta; do not take internally.
- Cotton root (Gossypium herbaceum) Uterine stimulant traditionally given to encourage contractions during a difficult labor, but rarely used medicinally today.
- Devil's claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) Uterine stimulant, oxytocic.
- Dong quai (Angelica polymorpha var. sinensis) Uterine and menstrual stimulant, best avoided during pregnancy; ideal after childbirth.
- False unicorn root (Chamaelirium luteum) A hormonal stimulant to avoid unless under professional guidance.
- Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) Uterine stimulant; may cause premature contractions.
- Golden seal (Hydrastis canadensis) Uterine stimulant; may lead to premature contractions but safe during childbirth.
- Greater celandine (Chelidonium majus) Uterine stimulant; may cause premature contractions.
- Juniper and juniper oil (Juniperus communis) A uterine stimulant; use only during labor.
- Lady's mantle (Alchemilla xanthoclora) A uterine stimulant; use only in labor.
- Liferoot (Senecio aureus) A uterine stimulant containing toxic chemicals that will cross the placenta.
- Mistletoe (Viscum album) A uterine stimulant containing toxic chemicals that may cross the placenta.
- Mugwort (Artemesia vulgaris) A uterine stimulant that may also cause birth defects; avoid unless under professional guidance. Also avoid when breastfeeding.
- American pennyroyal (Hedeoma pulegioides) Reputed uterine stimulant to be avoided during pregnancy.
- European pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) A uterine stimulant that may also cause birth defects; avoid unless under professional guidance. Also avoid when breastfeeding.
- Peruvian bark (Cinchona officinalis) Toxic; excess may cause blindness and coma. Used to treat malaria and given during pregnancy only to malaria sufferers under professional guidance.
- Pokeroot (Phytolacca decandra) May cause birth defects.
- Pseudoginseng (Panax notoginseng) May cause birth defects.
- Pulsatilla (Anemone pulsatilla) Menstrual stimulant best avoided during pregnancy; limited use during lactation.
- Rue (Ruta graveolens) Uterine and menstrual stimulant; may cause premature contractions.
- Sassafras (Sassafras albidum) A uterine stimulant that may also cause birth defects.
- Shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) A uterine stimulant; use only during labor.
- Southernwood (Artemisia abrotanum) A uterine stimulant that may also cause birth defects; avoid unless under professional guidance. Also avoid when breastfeeding.
- Squill (Urginea maritima) A uterine stimulant that may also cause birth defects.
- Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) A uterine stimulant that may also cause birth defects.
- Wild yam (Diascorea villosa) A uterine stimulant to avoid unless under professional guidance; safe during labor.
- Wormwood (Artemisia absinthum) A uterine stimulant that may also cause birth defects
Unfortunatelly, safety of enema during pregnancy has never been extensively studied. Unknown risks are possible! Just because we are not aware of any possible risk, it doesn't mean that there are none!
You should consult your doctor prior to doing enima, or you should take a full responsibility for any consequence of your actions.
What do I need to do an enema?
To do an enema, you need:
time (from 15 min - 2 hours, depends on how many times you want to repeat the process)
Also, there are many different kinds of enema equipment. To do a small simple enema (to implant oil, or small amount of feces into your colon), you may need just a pear shaped douche that you will fill with enema liquid and you squeeze it into your rectum.
Or, to do a complete enema, you need enema bag (or bucket) with equipment. You can purchase it online or try to look in your local health food store or your local pharmacy.
Enema bag/bucket complete must contain:
- enema bag (or enema bucket)
- enema tube (connecting enema bag with enema nozzle)
- tube clamp or stop cock - used for clamping the tube.
- enema nozzle or tip (thin plastic, silicone, glass or stainless steel tube that will be inserted into anus). Nozzle is usually 5 - 8 cm long (2 - 3 in), and it is as thick as pencil. You are not suppose to insert the whole length!
- enema liquid (you can use clean water, water + probiotics, water + yoghurt, water + Epsom salt, water + coffee, olive oil, vitamin E, castor oil, water + unrefined sea salt, water + herbal extracts, herbal tea, water + vinegar, water + freshly pressed juice (wheat grass juice, barley grass juice, carrot juice, herbal juices ,... ), oil with herbs, ozonated olive oil, ozonated water, ... )
How do I do an Enema?
- Connect enema bag with enema tube, and enema tube with enema nozzle
- Fill the enema bag with enema liquid.
- Clamp enema tube.
- Hang the enema bag at a height of about 3-4 feet (1 - 1.5 m).
- Lie on your back, on the floor.
- Lubricate your anus and nozzle with olive oil.
- Slowly and gently insert the nozzle into your anus. (It is much more comfortable if you lubricate the nozzle).
- Release the clamp and let the enema liquid flow into the sigmoid colon.
- Clamp the tubing as soon as there is a sensation of "fullness" or when the enema bag is empty.
- Remove the nozzle from your anus.
- If possible, without forcing yourself, retain the enema for 2 - 10 minutes
- Empty your bowel.
- After emptying your bowel, you can repeat the process
- If you cannot hold 1 or 2 cups of enema liquid, take several smaller enemas.
Most commonly adult person would use 1/2 or up to one liter of water. Procedure is usually repeated several times, until colon is totally clean. Best results are achieved by massaging the intestines and by holding the water as long as possible/comfortable. It is smart to add probiotics into the last enema water!
How do you know that colon is clean? By the color of water that is coming out. Once the water is clean, it usually means that colon is clean, but some people may have layers of mucoid plaque, and it may take days or weeks of cleansing to get it out! What is Mucoid Plaque ? Article by Richard Anderson
Different Enema Recipes?
- Coffee: The Royal Flush
- Basic Coffee Enema Procedure and Recipe
- Vinegar Enema
- Lactobacillus Acidophilus Enema
- Wheat Grass Enema
- Mae West Coffee Enema
- Salt and Soda Enema
- Coffee Enema - Simple
- Garlic-Epsom Salt Enema
- Coffee Enemas - Description
- Caffeine Dialysis Process - Coffee Enema
- The Coffee Enema for Liver Detoxification
What is Yoghurt Enema? (Why home made yoghurt)?
You need home made yoghurt. Why? Cause store bought yoghurt does not contain live bacteria. It is pasteurized, and good bacteria are dead. To make home made yoghurt, you need yoghurt starter (any good probiotics would do), and you need milk (raw milk is the best, but if you can't get it, use what you can get, homogenized/pasteurized), and you need yoghurt maker (thermostatic plastic box where you put milk mixed with probiotics, and after 24h you have home made yoghurt.)
You take home made yoghurt, you mix it with last enema water (you can filter water before use), and once you get that water inside of you, you try to keep it there as long as possible.
That is Yoghurt Enema
Who needs Yoghurt Enima?
Anyone suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Constipation, Candidiasis, Colon Cancer, Hemorrhoids, Prostate Cancer, Prostatitis, Enlarged Prostate, Allergies, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Gallstones, MCS, MS, FMS, ...
Even more powerful cure then Yoghurt enema is a Feces Enema.
What is Fecal Colon Flora Replacement, What is Fecal Enema?
Who needs fecal Colon Flora Replacement Enema or Fecal Transplant or Bacteriotherapy ?
Anyone suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Constipation, Candidiasis, Colon Cancer, Hemorrhoids, Prostate Cancer, Prostatitis, Enlarged Prostate, Allergies, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Gallstones, MCS, MS, FMS, clostridium difficile infection, amoeba infection, protozoa infection etc ...
Where to get a support on doing Fecal Transplantation or Fecal Enema or Bacteriotherapy?
Here are several forums where this therapy is dicussed:
What is Clarkia Enema?
As Clarkia is a tincture, it can be used in enema water.
That way it is far more potent then any other remedy, cause it is not loosing
its potency by being diluted with digestive juices. If used with enema or
colonics, it can reach and kill parasites hidden inside pockets of the
Colon! You can use from 30 and up to 90 drops of Clarkia on every liter of enema
water (even 150 drops is not too harmful, but it could be too expensive!).
If using more then 20-30 drops, make sure that you add good quality Probiotics
or home made yogurt into the last enema water!
In any case, even if you don't use Clarkia at all (if you use just clean water),
it is very smart to add Probiotics into the last enema water. To
save Clarkia, your first enema water (or several first waters) should be just
clean water to wash colon. Then the next water (high enema - retention
enema) should be with Clarkia, 30 - 90 drops. Try to keep it inside as long as
possible (10, 20 min ).
Last water should not contain Clarkia, but it should contain high quality probiotics, to repopulate colon with good bacteria.
What are the best probiotics?
The best probiotics are found in the feces from a very healthy, (best
unvaccinated), breastfed baby. You find anyone who has a 3 - 18 months old breastfed baby.
You take diapers with fresh feces. Color of feces must be yellow, it must not be
green, cause green color of feces indicates lack of good bowel bacteria.
(Unless child was drinking freshly pressed wheat grass juice, or some other food
of strong green color, green color of feces always indicates lack of good bowel
bacteria. Yellow (or yellow-brown if child has eaten meat) color
indicates healthy feces.) You need fresh feces (not older then 12 hours). You
can refrigerate diapers with fresh feces, and use it the next day, but the best
is if you can get a hold of fresh diapers.
You mix fresh feces with enema water (you can also filter it before
use, of baby has eaten other foods then mother milk.) You use that water as the last enema water, when doing enema.
Once you get that water inside of you, you try to keep it there as long as
Never take enema for longer then 7 days in a raw, or you risk
getting addicted to enema.
Taking Clarkia with enema is not a replacement for oral consumption, cause
Clarkia taken with enema will not reach your small intestine, nor your blood.
What is Colon Hydrotherapy?
Colon Hydrotherapy is umbrella term referring to all different therapies like: Enema, Enima, Colema, Colonics ...
- Enemas. Good or Bad?
- Connection between old emotions and colon cleansing?
What are the Symptoms of
Colon Dysfunction?
- What is Mucoid Plaque ? Article by Richard Anderson
What is coffee enema?
- Coffee Enema - Simple
- Coffee Enemas - Description
- Coffee: The Royal Flush
- Basic Coffee Enema Procedure and Recipe
- Mae West Coffee Enema
- Caffeine Dialysis Process - Coffee Enema
- The Coffee Enema for Liver Detoxification
Enema Links
- Enema & Colon Hydrotherapy Forum
- Fasting: Juice Fasting
- Fasting: Master Cleanse
- Lymph Cleansing Forum
- Liver Flush Forum
- Parasites Cleanse
- Skin Brushing & Massage Therapy
- Zapper Forum
- Bowel Cleanse Forum
Bowel Cleanse FAQ:
- Acidophilus & Acne
- Enemas. Good or Bad?
- Connection between old emotions and colon cleansing?
- What are the Symptoms of Colon Dysfunction?
- What is the best bowel cleanse?
Enema Related Articles:
- What is Colonic Irrigation?
- Gall Bladder Flushes
- Coffee: The Royal Flush
- Basic Coffee Enema Procedure and Recipe
- Vinegar Enema
- Lactobacillus Acidophilus Enema
- Wheat Grass Enema
- Mae West Coffee Enema
- Salt and Soda Enema
- Coffee Enema - Simple
- Garlic-Epsom Salt Enema
- Coffee Enemas - Description
- Caffeine Dialysis Process - Coffee Enema
- The Coffee Enema for Liver Detoxification
- Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management
Fluoride and Aluminum - toxic combination of fluoroaluminum complex
- What is Mucoid Plaque ? Article by Richard Anderson
- What is Bentonite? What is montmorillonite?
- What is homozon?
- Who does the colonic do?
- Why Cleanse the Bowel ?
Enema Recommended Books
Enema Related Pages:
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Clarkia Extra Strong
Clarkia Tincture 2 oz, 4 oz, 8 oz, and 16 oz
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”I have recommended it to family and friends already and am sure...
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