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Hulda Regehr Clark

The Dental Clean-up

There are two purposes for doing the dental clean-up:

to clear up Clostridium infection
to remove mutagens and carcinogens from your mouth.

Clearing up Clostridium infection requires removing abscessed teeth, teeth with micro leakage (infections in crevices under fillings), and eliminating infections in the jawbone itself where teeth once were, called cavitations.

Removing mutagens and carcinogens means all metals and plastic materials in your mouth. You may believe you have only “gold” or “silver” in your teeth. But these are really gold or silver alloys, containing many metals, including carcinogenic ones.

The Syncrometer detects about 30 metals in any "gold" or silver" filling. These include nickel, copper, cobalt, vanadium, thallium, germanium, cadmium, mercury, platinum, titanium, and even uranium! In my Syncrometer studies, I have found copper, cobalt, and vanadium to be present in every tumor. Seeping from both metal and plastic teeth, these metals are common denominators in advanced cancer cases. I have also found inorganic "bad" germanium in enough cases to consider it another common denominator. These begin to build up in your tissues in the early, tumor-forming stage. I am not sure whether these toxins play a role in actual tumor growth, but eventually they cause the anemia, liver failure, kidney failure, mutations, hypercalcemia, and immunity failure that causes death. So I want to emphasize again, that even if a magic wand shrank your tumors, you are still in mortal danger unless you get your dental work done!

If you have plastic materials in your dentalware, I find they will seep urethane, maleic acid, malonic acid, and various azo dyes. Methacrylate dentures even seep acrylic acid. Urethane and azo dyes have had decades of research in the past; they were found to be highly carcinogenic. Maleic and malonic acids were found to be respiratory inhibitors which, in turn, cause tumors to form. And acrylic acid, another carcinogen, is the same chemical that is made by frying foods in unsaturated fats. With so many well-studied carcinogens in dental materials, we should ask a child's question: Have they ever been tested for carcinogenicity? If so, what were the results?

Is it impossible to make plastics that don't have all these carcinogens? Not at all. The Syncrometer detected more dental ingredients that were free of them than those that had them. But if each dental material (such as composite, ceramic, glass ionomer) requires the use of ten ingredients, then the chance of finding the final restoration free of carcinogens is essentially zero. Using a Syncrometer, each ingredient could be tested separately for one dozen of the most harmful chemicals-not impossible-but quite impractical.

So to accomplish the two purposes of eliminating Clostridium infection and seeping carcinogens, you must extract teeth with large metal or plastic fillings, root canals, crowns or caps. They once were infected – before you had them "repaired". Now they are infected again and must be removed.

Why Is There Metal In Plastic?

Metal is not an essential ingredient of plastic manufacture. How can plastic material become polluted with it? I can speculate on several ways, but the fact is I am not the only one finding it. Perhaps the use of inferior "practical" grade chemicals to make plastics with, or recycled ingredients, causes wholesale pollution of dental materials with toxic metals, dyes, or solvents. I also find insufficient hardening of plastic in your mouth allows seepage of plasticizers, dyes, and other ingredients from the soft tooth.

A method for hardening (curing) your own dentures and partials is given in Recipes, page 574. Unfortunately, no way of hardening fillings and glues has yet been found.

Another possibility involves the chemical antiseptics used in manufacturing plastics. Although important, they are themselves polluted with metals, solvents and dyes. Pollution that stems from antiseptics spreads further and further. It is like having a wet kitchen sponge that drops to the ground; after that, dirt will be spread wherever the sponge is used to "clean" a surface. Ultimately, there is nothing left unpolluted with the antiseptics themselves and the toxins found in them. Look at the assortment of antiseptics legal for use in manufacturing processes, including the dental and plastic industries.

Learning to manufacture pure and safe dentalware should not be difficult for an industry with a research budget. Hopefully, it will soon develop. Learning to harden it adequately should be the second goal.

Be Your Own Dentist

Meanwhile, you must try to be your own dentist. Your teeth are too important not to understand the issues. If your dentist is willing to assist you, you are most fortunate. You may otherwise learn the basics from the following sample X-rays. Use this diagram to orient yourself

First, obtain a good quality panoramic X-ray of your mouth, in duplicate if possible. A panoramic views the entire mouth, including jaw and sinuses, allowing you to see much more than single teeth. Take one negative home to study.

On your panoramic you can identify metal, plastic, root canals, crowns, abscesses along roots, cavitations (hollow spaces or mushy bone at old extraction sites), and other suspicious things. Circle whatever your dentist or radiologist identifies as suspect for future reference. Make notes.

Here is a sample of a panoramic X-ray that has been printed. Remember that a print of an X-ray negative reverses the light and dark areas. Since you will be comparing this print with your own X-ray, you must compare light areas on the print shown here to dark areas on your X-ray.

To read your panoramic X-ray, tape it up on a window. First find the angles of your jawbone, noting top and bottom view, left and right side, with the right side (R) on your left, as if facing yourself Use a hand magnifying glass to study it.

You Be The Judge

It doesn't take an advanced degree in dentistry to judge whether it is a good or bad X-ray. Are all the root tips visible? If not, you wasted your money; you got the panoramic so you could see the root tips and beyond! Since the X-ray can be viewed right at the time it is made you can request a retake (it costs very little extra and supplies the duplicate you wanted anyway). This particular X-ray should have been done over, because, looking at the upper teeth, no root tips are visible. The mouth was not correctly positioned for the X-ray. Also, the teeth at the ends are a solid black, so nothing can be deduced about them. The intensity setting on the X-ray machine was not correct for them.

Next, look at the lower teeth. The root tips are on the print, but not very clear. The X-ray machine produced two dark vertical lines at the centers, obscuring the roots further (a good reason to get it redone on the spot). Under each end-tooth is a roundish white spot. On the X-ray film, which you would be examining, these would be dark spots. These are the holes in the jawbone that allow the nerve and blood vessels to pass through. A tooth was pulled three months ago on the lower left side. Note that the bone has already filled in almost to the top, so that a nearly flat line is seen to mark the ridge of the jaw bone from one side to the other. This shows good healing.

Locate the center. You have four small flat teeth in front on the lower side. The center is between them so two are on the left side and two on the right. The center on the upper side is easier to find; see the arrow.

The fifth tooth from the center at upper left (L) has a black cloud emerging upward from the root tip like a swarm of gnats above it. This is an infection, the bacteria are parading up towards the brain. Brain tumors are made of such events. Trying to save such a tooth would be a bad mistake, even though it "looks good and was giving no trouble." Plastic (black edges) can be seen on the inner edge of the top center teeth; this was done for cosmetic purposes. A few more bits of plastic are seen here and there. No cavitations (dark areas) are seen in the bottom half where the visibility is good.

A large tattoo (spattered amalgam) did not show up on this X-ray although the dentist spotted it easily just by searching visually, some time later, while working on the mouth. Tattoos can be notoriously difficult to find, either way.

The second panoramic, although poor quality, shows a large cavitation at the lower right. One or two teeth extracted there long ago left a large hole with infection (dark area) along the sides. Thorough cleaning will allow it to fill in with bone again and stop the chronic illnesses this patient suffered from.

At the upper right, a solitary tooth is sitting in a bed of infection. The dark black areas are metal. Syncrometer tests of this patient showed that the tooth bacteria, Staphylococcus and Clostridium, were both traveling to the breast. Staph was producing growth factors and Clostridium was turning RNA into DNA to spur the tumor there.

If you notice a suspicious tooth or location, but can't quite make a determination, repeat the x-ray at the tooth location; it is called a periapical X-ray. But not the regular kind. Newer digital X-ray equipment is much superior. Compare these digital X-ray frames with your panoramic. Two or three “takes” of each location may still be needed to find your hidden cavitations, "surprise" plastic leftovers, tattoos and simply, infected bone.

After examining your X-rays, make your decisions-do not ask the dentist to make them for you-and mark the teeth for extraction. The dentist may not agree with you because his/her job is to save teeth. Your job is to save your life. Your dentist can't be expected to know that your life depends on this. Another option is to go to a foreign country to find a sympathetic dentist (see Sources).

What You Can Salvage

How can you decide what is a large and not-so-large filling? Since this is to some extent a subjective decision, you should consider the options. If you mark for extraction a number of bad teeth, but leave single teeth behind that are marginally good, you will get a partial denture that must fit around the single stragglers. These will constantly get food clogged around them, giving you discomfort. You will need to take out the pa cleaning much more often than if you had a simpler partial included all the molars and premolars in any quarter (quadrant) of your mouth.

The same thinking applies to front teeth. If you have only two or three good front teeth, you should consider the need to remove partials for cleaning more frequently than you would need to remove a full denture.

Fillings that could be replaced with an inlay or onlay may simply be removed, leaving the hole open. Later, when your tumors are gone you may have them filled using zinc oxide and phosphate paste as the glue. But this does leave you with a grave risk-the risk that the dentist "didn't get it all." And this could hardly be considered the dentist's fault, since he/she must work blindly. Plastic is almost invisible and undetectable by M means. Even a digital X-ray could not detect a tiny bit left behind. A reliable plastic identifier has not yet been found. If you are terminally ill, the tiniest remnant of plastic could tip the scales to failure. Your spleen, bone marrow and liver are already full of plastic toxins, as a cup of water is "full" to the brim. Your spare storage tissue, fat, is full, too. Even a tiny plastic remnant is too much. Extraction is safer.

When the open tooth is brushed daily with oregano oil and colloidal silver, and occasionally with bleach (USP, more on this below), it does not decay further. I have not seen these teeth undergo further decay in one year's time. Remember that the purpose of the original filling was to stop decay. You can now do that without the filling so no harm is done for about one year, enough time for you to get well first. You will be able to monitor your teeth yourself by watching for discoloration. Any beginning infection can be quickly eliminated by yourself. (See Home Dentistry, page 91.)

The Visit To The Dentist

Find an oral surgeon willing to clean up your mouth for you. It is more than "just pulling teeth." They must be willing to let you examine your own X-ray, participate in decisions, and use your homemade antiseptics.

Make two appointments (if you have time), one for X-rays and one for dental work. That way you will be able to study the X-ray. Dentists often want to get started right away, but you may need more time than that for these important decisions.

Arrange for a friend to accompany you to the dental office. All professional persons pay more attention to a party of two than a single person. Ask for permission to have your friend nearby. Your friend can hand you your antiseptics. Your friend should sit quietly near you, not wasting the dentist's time with talk or questions.

Treat yourself to a good meal before going for dental work. You will be on liquids for a while afterward. If you have "dentist-phobia", take a strong dose of pain killer (not aspirin) one half hour before your appointment time.

Your Antiseptic Is Best

Make and bring your own antiseptic. Even though the surgeon and dental assistant wear gloves, a cancer patient can't help picking up bacteria. This is not the dentist's or surgeon's fault. They are coming from your own mouth. Sterility for the mouth is impossible. While blood vessels are broken (bleeding), bacteria can enter your circulation. By far the best antiseptic to use during dentalwork is plain bleach.

Bunyan [in The Use of Hypochlorite For The Control of Bleeding, Oral Surgery, v. 13, 1960, pp. 1026-1032] reported that rinsing with 0.2% hypochlorite solution stops postoperative bleeding within 1 minute after a tooth extraction or other oral operation. The hypochlorite solution functions also to contract and harden the blood clots and make them more resistant to infection. In addition to the effective hemostasis and the change in the character of the clot, the author reported a reduction of swelling of traumatized gingival tissues and diminution of the postoperative pain.

Don't use household bleach because it is not safe for internal use! Obtain food grade (USP) bleach from Sources. Purchase the same strength (5%, not stronger) as regular household bleach so you can handle it safely. If bleach is not available bring Lugol's iodine solution or a colloidal silver solution with you to the office.

Bleach (5%) is very caustic.

You must not use it at full strength.

You must dilute it. Follow the recipe on page 547 exactly.

We will name your new, diluted bleach, Dental Bleach. Take a half cup of Dental Bleach with you in a convenient jar. Rinse your mouth with it before you sit down in the dental chair. Never swallow it! Hold the jar in your lap. Later, when the dentist signals you to rinse your mouth, use your solution again. Also rinse one last time before leaving the office. The dentist will appreciate this extra care because she/he is less likely to see post-dental infection in you. Second best would be Lugol's iodine solution (six drops of actual Lugol's iodine in a half cup of water). Use up the entire amount before leaving the dental office. Third best is colloidal silver. Make your own colloidal silver solution since the commercially available ones I tested had the familiar pollutants associated with antiseptics. The same instructions apply to colloidal silver; use ½ cup.

As soon as the extractions are completed the sockets left behind must be cleaned by the surgeon to remove bits of adhering tissue together with a few millimeters of bone. This will prevent leaving a residue for bacteria to thrive on later. Then it is squirted with a dropperful of diluted Lugol's iodine solution, or straight white iodine (see Recipes). If you are allergic to iodine use colloidal silver instead. You must supply these.

Commercial antiseptic made for the dental profession is not satisfactory. It invariable contains isopropyl alcohol besides other chemicals. On the positive side, though, is that they are not trapped in your teeth, they do dissipate and get detoxified.

Save The Pieces

Tell the dentist before sitting down in the chair that you would like to keep the extracted teeth, root canals, and fillings, but they can all be tossed into a bag together. If the dentist tells you this is not allowed due to Public Health regulations, agree to fill out the appropriate application forms. They may need to be sterilized first (in 50% bleach water – don't autoclave because that would put mercury vapor into the air). It is amazing that your own teeth may be considered too dangerous – too bacteria-laden and full of mercury (a hazardous waste!) – to be handled, even by you, the owner! (Were they safer in your mouth?) But they do belong to you. You may be curious in the future about what they contain, and could have been leaching.

You can preserve them in a few days, when you are up to it. Cover them with Dental Bleach or Lugol's to sterilize them again. If the strong odor does not leave, you may understand how the internal infection of these teeth was poisoning your body! Finally, you may wish to look for the Clostridium infection, which would be a darkened area under fillings or in crevices. After drying, store them in a paper bag (plastic traps moisture). Save loose pieces of metal and plastic because you may wish to have them analyzed at a later date, too. Or you may simply wish to gloat over the retrieved "treasure" as you identify corrosion and gross infection.

When extractions are done, congratulate yourself for the achievement. Start the Dental Aftercare program at once. Do not eat or drink, (besides water) for the rest of the day after an extraction. All root canals and dead teeth must be extracted, as well as teeth with large fillings. Teeth with implants have not been studied sufficiently to know which metals they shed or if Clostridium infections start in their vicinity. For this reason, you must use your own judgment on implants.

After extracting rotten or filled teeth, the dentist or surgeon needs to do two things before stitching up the wound: cavitation cleansing and amalgam cleanup.

Huggins Cavitation Cleaning

The tooth was held in the socket by soft tissues like tiny ligaments. Unless these are removed, too, they will decay and provide opportunity for bacteria to reside there. The sockets left behind should be carefully cleaned with special tools for this purpose.

This procedure has been taught in the past by Dr. Hal Huggins and many dentists are familiar with it. It is called cavitation cleaning. It prevents future infection and inability to heal at that site. In spite of such superior treatment of the socket, you may occasionally expect a bone fragment to reveal itself later. As it loosens and works its way out, infection and pain accompany it. Go back to the dentist. This could be a source of your pain elsewhere in your body if it is not removed.

While the new sockets are being cleaned, any old infected sockets (cavitations) should be cleaned out as well. The dentist can spot the obvious cavitations on the panoramic X-ray. Afterwards, each cavitation site also gets squirted with diluted Lugol's solution or straight white iodine or straight colloidal silver. Hidden cavitations (those that don't show up on the X-ray) can be cleared without surgery; we will discuss this soon.

Arechiga Gum Cleaning

The second task after extracting your teeth, and cleaning cavitations is to remove imbedded amalgam. This procedure has been developed by Dr. Benjamin Arechiga of Mexico. Each quadrant of your mouth needs an amalgam cleanup. The top of the gum line will be gray from absorbed mercury. It is easiest for you to have this done while extractions are being done. The dentist begins by cutting a straight line on top of the bony ridge of the j aw where teeth once were.

Next, he/she snips away 1/8 inch (3 mm) of the gum on each side of the incision. A ribbon, 1/8 inch wide and extending from the wisdom teeth to the closest front tooth is discarded. The remaining gum tissue stretches over the top easily and is sutured over. Surprisingly, the new gum tissue heals much faster than the old, mercury-saturated gums. You can count on your gums being healed in two to three days. The new gum tissue produces a strong even union, without small holes where food can get trapped. We call it the Arechiga technique, after the oral surgeon who invented it. While the dentist is cutting out mercury drenched gum tissue, the exposed bone can be cleaned of amalgam bits that are easy to spot now.

Dental Aftercare

One of the purposes of doing this dental clean-up is to kill all Clostridium bacteria that have invaded the deeper regions of the jaw bone after being spawned in the decaying teeth and crevices under tooth fillings. From here they colonize your tumors as well as the bowel.

Antibiotics are not to be relied upon by a cancer patient undergoing dental work because antibiotics only inhibit the bacteria until they die or your immune system takes over. In a cancer patient, this immune response may never happen. And as soon as the antibiotic is stopped a new, more serious, bacterium can surface to bewilder and defy everybody.

Antibiotics cannot stop tooth decay. They do not reach the crevices in teeth because there is no blood circulation there. For the same reason, antibiotics do not reach cavitations.

Antibiotics are merely an adjunct to good Dental Aftercare. So a very vigorous program is needed to clear up infection even after the infected teeth are pulled because deep wounds such as the base of the socket where the bacteria used to be is precisely the preferred location for more Clostridia. They refuse to leave. Just removing the tooth does not automatically clear up an abscess that was at the tip of a root. Other bacteria may leave but not Clostridium. Even cleaning the socket thoroughly may remove Staphylococcus but does not remove Clostridium bacteria.

This Dental Aftercare program is successful in killing Clostridium. You will need:

  • a water pick
  • hot water, towels
  • empty syringe (barrel only, purchase at pharmacy)
  • pure salt or sterilized salt water
  • Dental Bleach

Acquire these before your dental appointment. Practice using the Water Pik. Practice using the syringe to squirt water (do not attach needle).

The immune power of your arterial blood is much greater than in your veins. How can you bring arterial blood into the jaw area to heal it after dental work? Simply by hot packing it from the start!


The first day of dental work is critical.

If you miss this, a massive spread of infection can occur because the mouth is always a "den of bacteria", and your own tooth infection is itself the source.

Remember, even before leaving the dentist's office, just as soon as you are out of the chair, rinse with Dental Bleach. Then, again, as soon as you get home from the dentist. Next, swish your mouth gently with a cup of warm water. The heat brings in arterial blood. Keep the cotton plug in place for you to bite down on and reduce bleeding, even while swishing. Don't suction the water forcefully around your mouth, you could dislodge the blood clot that needs to form in the socket. Slowly move the warm water about your mouth.

At the same time apply a hot towel to the outside of your face where the dental work was done. Wring a wash cloth out of the hottest water you can endure, trying it out on an unanesthetized location first. Or fill a plastic baggie halfway with hot water, zipping it shut securely. Do this for thirty minutes, four times a day, for a few days. Then three times a day for a week -- even when there is no pain.

Don't suck liquids through a straw for 24 hours; the sucking force is too risky. Don't allow your tongue to suck the wound site, either and don't put fingers in your mouth.

As the anesthetic wears off there will be very little pain if the bacteria in the tooth sites have been killed. But you could introduce bacteria yourself, by eating, or by putting fingers into your mouth. Consider your mouth a surgery site. Anywhere else on your body, the surgery site would have been scrubbed first, then painted with iodine or other strong bacteria killers, and later sprayed again with antiseptic and bandaged to keep everything out -- certainly food particles and fingers!

But the mouth cannot be bandaged and you must eat! To be successful, eat a big meal just before your dental appointment. Then eat nothing with particles in it that could lodge in your wound sites for two days! In fact, on the day of the surgery, drink only water afterward. You may need a pain killer on the first night; choose a non aspirin variety to minimize bleeding.

Bleeding should have reduced considerably by bedtime. The cotton plug put in your mouth by the dentist may be thrown away. Rinse with Dental Bleach once more before bed.


Dental Day Two

The next day you need to be well-fed, yet eat no solids, nor liquids with particles in them. The particles easily lodge in your wound. Your choices are:

  • Chicken broth, filtered;
  • Herb teas, sweetened, filtered;
  • Fruit juice, using undyed, pesticide free fruit, filtered;
  • Vegetable juice, filtered (including raw beet juice);
  • Puddings made of cornstarch or flour;
  • Complete "feed" (see page 535).

Filter through a coffee filter placed in a strainer. These liquid foods must also be sterilized before drinking (see Recipes).

Immediately after eating, rinse your mouth with a cup of very hot water to which you have added 1/4 tsp. salt. Fill syringe with hot salt water and squirt each extraction site several times. Do not be afraid to start some bleeding; this could be expected and is even desirable if an infection has already started; bleeding washes bacteria outward. Water squirting and swishing never dislodges the healing clot. Only strong suction or infection dislodges it. If pain increases instead of decreases on the second day, you are already infected. Continue swishing and hot packing for one hour. Devote the whole day to fighting infection. If the pain subsides, the infection has been cleared. If not, you will need a more forceful stream of water. Begin using the Water Pik at its lowest speed setting. Water Pik repeatedly until it clears. (It could take four hours!)

Hot pack the outside of your face just as on the first day. If pain is subsiding on the second day, you are being successful. But the gums are not healed; you cannot take chances yet on eating food. Nearly all infections come from eating solid food on the second day.

Floss the front teeth with homemade floss being extra gentle. For floss, cut strips of plastic shopping bags 1/2 inch by 4 inches. Regular floss and toothbrush are too harsh for the nearby sensitive tissues. After flossing, clean these teeth by hand-rubbing, using paper towel dampened with water and oregano oil.

Also rinse your mouth with Dental Bleach several times during the day and bedtime.


Dental Day Three

On the third day, you may drink blended solid food; do not try to chew solids.

Use your Water Pik now after each meal. Fill the tank with hot water to which you have added a few drops of Lugol's iodine, or 1 tsp. colloidal silver, or salt. Set it at the gentlest level, at first, squirting each site carefully. Floss the front teeth and brush them with Dental Bleach (other antiseptics are not strong enough).

Notice how difficult it is to squirt out any trapped food. Swishing is not sufficient! Continue hot packing the face. If pain returns and Water Piking has not succeeded in clearing it, you must hurry back to the dentist to search for the food particle. The wound will be opened and cleaned out for you.

A moderate amount of bleeding is normal, even days later. Bleeding caused by Water Piking is not too serious. But if you sense an emergency, apply ice cubes wrapped in a paper towel or cheesecloth. Bite down on them till bleeding stops. Continue ice-packing for 4 hours. As soon as it is safe, return to hot packing. If the ice packing does not stop the bleeding, go back to the dentist or emergency room.

Cancer sufferers may have a low platelet count or be on a large amount of "blood thinners" which promote bleeding. Yet, oral surgery is a very skilled profession. Dental work is safe in the surgeon's hands. Platelets can be given just beforehand; blood thinners can be temporarily stopped; and a transfusion can be given before or immediately afterward. These same patients often state that they feel better, immediately after the dental extraction, than they can remember in months! It was the dental problem that was poisoning their platelets and their blood! It may be the last transfusion that will be needed even though there is some unavoidable blood loss with dental extractions.

Stitches should be removed earlier for cancer patients than others because they will get infected by the third day! Do not use self-digesting sutures; you need the extra dental visit to let the dentist observe your mouth.


Be Vigilant The Next Week
Continue Water Piking, hot packing, and rinsing your mouth with Dental Bleach after each meal until the gums are healed over. This may take five to seven days, longer for some sites. Floss and brush your fron teeth once a day. If pain stays away you can take credit for killing your mouth-bacteria. You may reduce the treatments to three times a day, then twice.

Clostridium can return even after a week of steady recovery. Remember that its true source is the rabbit fluke, a tiny parasite that we can eat accidentally with filth on unsterilized food. If you detect an odor from your mouth, at any time it is Clostridium making a comeback, even without pain. A crumb has lodged in the wound and is decaying. Try bleaching, squirting, swishing, and Water Piking for half a day; then hurry back to the dentist if the odor persists.

If you got through the whole ordeal without needing more than one night's pain killer and without needing to return to the dentist for extra clean-up, give yourself excellent grades. And if you got through, in any way, still give yourself very good grades!

It is common for dentists to recommend cold packing to reduce swelling after dental work. I recommend hot packing because I consider swelling less important than infection or pain. It is also common for dentists to rely on antibiotics to clear up infection. I find this is not sufficient.

Small Fillings

Again, you must search for a special dentist. The dentist must let you bring your own sealer. All sealers and desensitizers that are available from dental supply sources are typically polluted with the customary tumorigens and solvents: copper, cobalt, vanadium, malonates, urethane, azo dyes, germanium, isopropyl alcohol, and benzene. Do not risk any brand. But a sealer made of only calcium hydroxide (lime water) is safe and pure, if prepared by a pharmacist, yourself, or the dentist. A saturated solution is easily made and applied from a small dropper bottle. Purchase from a chemical supply company (see Sources).

Small fillings of plastic can be spotted on the digital X-ray that could not be seen on the panoramic. They must be drilled out meticulously. The dentist should be very careful to notice any left over amalgam at the edges or the bottom of the plastic fillings left over from previous amalgam. Amalgams are routinely not cleaned out carefully when they are replaced by plastic. Furthermore, crevices may be found to be filled with amalgam that simply cannot be cleaned out. The dentist cannot go into a discussion of this while your mouth is stuck in open position! You should be familiar with this possibility. The dentist with a video system can show you the deep-seated metal bits. If the old amalgam cannot be removed without reaching the nerve, extract the tooth instead. Arrange for this with the dentist or surgeon beforehand.

Removing small amalgam fillings should be done very carefully, using a rubber dam, in order not to produce "dust" that spatters the entire mouth. Drilling out amalgam is a special skill. Find an experienced dentist. Only after your tumors are gone should you refill these cavities. The cavity is then filled with a paste of zinc phosphate or zinc oxide and eugenol. These compounds will be pure if purchased from a chemical supply company or if purchased separately from a dental supply company. (No premixed variety has ever tested pure by the Syncrometer.)

The cavity may also be filled with an inlay of Sculpture or Targis. Inlays are already hardened in the dental lab and did not seep in my experiments. A glue of zinc phosphate paste, purchased as two separate bottles, will be safe. If removing a filling kills the tooth so it can now feel nothing, extract it. If filling removal got so close to the nerve that you are now in pain, extract it also. Only shallow fillings are candidates for salvaging.

Jerome Tattoo Removal

While the amalgam was being put into your teeth or taken out–tiny bits got away or flew away with great force into your cheek folds, into neighboring gums, into exposed bone nearby and down to the bottom of newly made sockets. Nobody will ever see these again, or so it was thought. (And guilt can never be laid.)

Larger bits of amalgam, called tattoos, can be seen on the panoramic or digital X-ray. Your dentist has already spotted them no doubt. But smaller particles do not show up. You must ask the dentist to search visually, with a magnifier and remove them all regardless how painstaking the job is. This and many more facts of dentistry are discussed by Frank Jerome, DDS in his book, Tooth Truth (see Sources). Each quadrant of your mouth needs a careful examination for mercury, and treatment by prying out tiny pieces stuck in your cheek folds, plus any pieces buried in your j aw bone. In addition, the ¼ inch ribbon of mercury soaked gum on top of the jaw ridge must be removed as previously discussed.

Hidden Cavitations

These are more than the customary infected bone sites. They are primarily bioaccumulation sites. The Syncrometer detects them easily by searching for mercury and other amalgam related metals in the jawbone (meaning a bone slide is in the circuit). Here the Syncrometer also finds plastic-related chemicals from fillings and silicones from toothpaste! Streptococcus is also there. The real reason for this bioaccumulation site is probably the presence of lanthanide elements. Wherever the lanthanides occur, the white blood cells become "choked" with iron and calcium deposits. After this they stop "eating" any more toxins destroying your immunity at this location. Hidden cavitations still contain their mercury even 20 years after amalgam was changed to plastic!

Only digital X-rays can picture these hidden bioaccumulation sites, and even here their identification can be difficult. Fortunately, they can be cleared without surgery. A magnet of about 100 gauss can attract the iron and lanthanide deposits in them (see page 170). It takes about one week. After these have left, remaining metals, plastics, and bacteria leave also, and are seen in the white blood cells for a few days, showing that immunity has returned suddenly and swiftly. Thereafter, the jaw bone is cleared.

Another way to clean out these hidden cavitations is with a DMSO mouthwash (see Recipes), although less reliable. In three to five days the entire toxic team of carcinogens (and Streptococcus) are seen to leave the jawbone.

Home Dentistry

Although dentists and dental surgeons alike have done their utmost to clean metal, plastic and infection from your mouth, there are still minute traces left behind. They continue to arrive in your tumors and fat reservoirs. Syncrometer testing reveals that half of the remaining teeth may still have traces of plastic. Only a final tooth-polishing can make them truly safe. On this hangs your fate if the LDH, liver enzymes, or alkaline phosphatase are much too high.

Ask the dentist for several "finishing strips." If these are not available you may use the finest grade emery cloth (such as 400 grit), by cutting strips out of it (approximately four inches long and one eighth inch wide). Put a few drops of Lugol's into a large glass of water, big enough to dip your hands into to sterilize them before the final polishing and "finishing" of your teeth.

First, you must brush your teeth very thoroughly with Dental Bleach. The easiest way is to be seated in a recliner chair facing into a bright light or sunshine and have a friend do the polishing. Otherwise you must do it yourself, standing in front of a mirror. Individually sterilize each of your hands and a finishing strip. Notice the clear plastic in the middle of a finishing strip. Slide it between the first two teeth. Saw back and forth as much as the teeth allow. Repeat between all other teeth. The heaviest work is at the ends – the sides of the last tooth in the row. Saw with a long sweep of the strip. Saw at least 20 times. Use the strip as ingeniously as you can to polish the top surface, too. Keep dipping your hands in Lugol's before each time you work in the mouth. When the polishing is complete, brush teeth again, and rinse with Dental Bleach.

Ideally, each newly polished tooth is now tested with the Syncrometer for remaining plastic, amalgam, or clostridium bacteria. Resonance with urethane and DAB dye or bisphenol implicates leftover plastic. Resonance with platinum, palladium, thallium, or nickel implicates amalgam. After finding which teeth are still contaminated, test the tooth surfaces individually to identify its exact location. Then repeat the polishing on that surface. Test each tooth for Clostridium, too. Note that even the tiniest brown spot tests Positive for Clostridium. Try to polish it away. If you can't, go back to your dentist for assistance. Do not have these tiny cavities filled afterward. But brush with oregano oil and colloidal silver in turns after meals, and Dental Bleach at bedtime.

This beginning Home Dentistry is a creative innovation of huge significance. Being able to do simple dentistry using the Syncrometer to guide you may pave the way to caries prevention that has eluded us so long. You can find a tooth infection long before it becomes a cavity.

You are finally metal-free, plastic-free, dye-free, and Clostridium-free. All that will be needed is to draw these out of your storage sites – fat tissue and tumors themselves – to begin tumor shrinkage.

Making Your Dentures and Partials

There are different opinions among dentists about when to make an impression of your mouth: before tooth extraction or later after your mouth has healed. There are advantages and disadvantages to either choice. The life-saving process is extraction-so don't delay a single day with this, even if the denture making schedule is postponed.

For "instant teeth" the impressions are made before extraction. Ideally, the fitting is done immediately after extraction while still under anesthesia, so a very good fit can be made. But, of course, the mouth often changes its shape as it heals. Major adjustments will be necessary a month or so later.

Methyl methacrylate and polyurethane can be hardened by yourself at home and are therefore safe from seeping, even if a pink color is chosen for your dentures or partials. Other materials hold promise but need more research. See Hardening Dentures in Recipes.


You have completed the hardest task required to shrink your tumors: you have evicted Clostridium from its fortress. A glance in the mirror shows you a beautiful set of teeth, sweet-smelling breath at all times and chewing better than before. You have enabled your body to survive.

On The Road To Recovery

Of course you have done a lot more than just eradicated Clostridium! You have also removed heavy metals, mutagens, dyes, and other toxins that were seeping from your fillings. Before this you killed Ascaris, tapeworm larvae, and rabbit fluke. The next step is to remove these same pathogens and pollutants from your diet and environment. And the final step is to drain them from your tumors so the tumors collapse and dissolve.

You might be wondering how much it will cost for this very specialized dental clean-up. Although the dental work may seem straightforward (extractions and filling removal being very common procedures) the way you need them done is not at all common. Using homemade antiseptics, requesting cavitation cleaning and tattoo removal, and finding a dentist with digital X-ray equipment are all non-traditional. In Mexico, in 1999 the rate, including the cleanups, was about $80.00 per extracted tooth.

How To Make A Million Dollars In Your Spare Time, At Home: Sue!

Pollution problems should be solved by people themselves, not industry or government; the responsibility is too great. Family health is at stake. Only people's groups would not be influenced by other priorities. What I am suggesting is that people form their own groups, find labs willing to do analysis of dental supplies, form collaborations with dentists willing to use tested materials, and follow-up on the job done with analysis of saliva (also by lab testing).

I was joking about making a million dollars, but maybe suing the American Dental Association is the last resort solution it takes to bring the problem to the attention of the American People, and provoke change.

That is another reason for saving what was removed from your mouth (besides curiosity). Any extracted teeth with fillings could be analyzed. They could be set to soak in water overnight and the water analyzed for seeped ingredients. These ingredients were seeping into you. The real object is not to point out guilt but to find a developing problem before your entire family has been damaged, Generation after Generation. Before your family must spend half its generated income on health restoration.

Bad health underlies mental illness, addictions, and criminal behavior besides the customary diseases. Even reproductive disturbance is a state of bad health. It makes no sense to place a piece of estrogen (as in bisphenol-A, used in dental plastic) in the mouths of children, to be sucked on day and night. Both girls and boys are likely to be affected, especially before puberty. Again, a people's group would not let this happen, if it were known, whereas a professional or governmental group is bound by laws to have other priorities even when they know it is happening.

A list of labs doing analyses for metals, solvents, and other chemicals is given in Sources. Many others can be found in the yellow pages of Telephone directories. Be sure you understand the sensitivity of the testing each lab can do. Obviously, the ability to test to parts per trillion is better (more sensitive) than parts per billion.

Despite what I feel is the uninformed state of the dental profession, the average dentist is devoted to human welfare, besides just his or her own. This is apparent in the movements, within the dental profession, to outlaw mercury, to outlaw all metal, and to advocate better nutrition. Not all agree. But that is my point. Progress is made from discussion, and trying to achieve higher standards. If you find a dentist knowledgeable about micro leakage and cavitations, willing to support your strange, new agenda, then you have truly found a treasure.

(From "The Cure for All Advanced Cancers", p. 69ff.)



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The Cleanses (5)

  1. Parasite Cleanse
  2. Tapeworms, Ascaris Cleanse
  3. Bowel Cleanse
  4. Kidney Cleanse
  5. Liver Cleanse

The Clean-ups (4)

  1. Dental Cleanup
  2. Diet Cleanup
  3. Body Cleanup
  4. Home Cleanup


Ailments & Illness

Excerpted from the book "The Cure for all Diseases" by Hulda Regehr Clark

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