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ISBN: 1878424076

The Seth information is an idea whose time is always NOW, February 6, 2000
Reviewer: Lynda Symans (see more about me) from West Hollywood
This was the first Seth book I ever read. It radically changed my perception of the reality I see with my outside eyes because it helped me begin to understand and recognize the reality I had been seeing all along with my inside eyes. I now understand why so many people credit the Seth information as their first wake up call to remembering. If you haven't read this book since the late 70's...try it again. It's a whole new view NOW. If you have never read Seth, this is the first book to read. Then I suggest reading The Nature of Personal Reality afterwards because Seth gives a more personal application to the vastness of the world he introduces us to in Seth Speaks. All the Seth books are wonderful and each of them gives a slightly different take on the truth that we are indeed the real "Creators" of our own reality individually and thus en masse. Jane Roberts was brave to share her experiences with her then very unknown reality with us and in my opinion, paved the way for those of us who are interested in a less religious and more personal take on the great beyond to get the kind of information we need.