Blog: First Master Cleanse
by firstmastercleanse

Day 5 not so good....

I cheated tonight

Date:   7/24/2007 1:59:07 AM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 1747 times

Well, it was actually a great day for eliminations. I had quite a few bms today and I didn't do the swf. I just did lax tea last night and this morning. I went just about every hour up until 3:00 or so. I was really pleased with's amazing to see results like that after having no solid food for 5 days. was the biggest struggle so far with wanting to eat!! So much so that I actually gave in tonight :( I had a granola bar when I got home. I went in the kitchen to prepare my tea for the evening and I was like a moth to the flame. I just wanted so badly to chew something solid!! I mourned over it for about 20 minutes and realized that if I dwell on it, I will surely fail. So I'm going to pick myself back up and keep going. I'm halfway there!! For some extra motivation, I tried on the bridesmaid dress I have to squeeze into next weekend and it looks SO much better than it did even a week ago. I'm going to let that get me through when I begin to talk myself out of caring about the cleansing of my insides. I'm just hoping it doesn't mess anything up!

Good night

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Comments (1 of 1):
Good Luck! #71051 18 y
All Comments (1)

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Day 6  18 y
Day 5 not so good....  18 y
Days 3 and 4  18 y
Day Two  18 y
End of Day One  18 y
Day One, Morning  18 y
The Night Before....  18 y

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