Day Two
Still not hungry, but I'd like some gum...
Date: 7/21/2007 10:08:36 AM ( 18 y ) ... viewed 1788 times I still feel great!!! I started the day with the swf and that's probably the last time I'll do it. Although I really liked the immediate results, I cannot stand the taste. I'm afraid the tea just won't be the same though. Still no hunger at all and the hardest part has been not chewing gum as I usually go through about a pack a day. I'm wondering if I'm going to see all of the pieces I've swallowed over the years come out :)
I did 6 glasses of lemonade today. It's not too difficult if you're planful, but a couple of times I felt panicked when I realized I was only on day 2 and still had at least 8 more to go. I have a feeling I'll have to go longer than 10 days to ensure I'm completely clean. I'm ready to see some real results in terms of eliminations. I know everything is now in the process of loosening up. How many days until I start to see some of that?
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