Blog: First Master Cleanse
by firstmastercleanse

The Night Before....

My account of the night before the cleanse.

Date:   7/19/2007 2:55:55 AM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 1648 times

I've been waiting for this moment...wondering what it would look like. I just returned home from a "one year anniversary" date. I've eaten everything today I thought I might miss having over the next couple of weeks...possibly longer depending on my eating habits after the cleanse.

I have taken pictures and decided to weigh myself in the morning for a more accurate number...sipping on my lax. tea as I write. After looking at the pictures, I am realizing I have been in major denial of how heavy I have become. I am excited about this mainly because I truly feel I have the right motivation. I have never been a "natural medicine or healing" kind of person...I honestly haven't even been to the doctor in at least five years, probably more. Truthfully, the original motivation for this cleanse was weight loss, so I quickly dismissed thoughts of another "diet" to quickly shed a few pounds, but after my roommate encouraged me to read the book, I was quickly convinced this is something everyone should do! I rallied a few friends to embark upon this journey with me and now we're off!!

I'm feeling nervous because there is still a bit of doubt that I am truly going to be able to accomplish this. But that's also part of what motivates me further...

I started my period today which should help a bit since my uncontrollable cravings usually come a couple of days least those are out of the way!!

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Comments (1 of 1):
Good Luck! #71051 18 y
All Comments (1)

Blog Entries (7 of 7):
Day 6  18 y
Day 5 not so good....  18 y
Days 3 and 4  18 y
Day Two  18 y
End of Day One  18 y
Day One, Morning  18 y
The Night Before....  18 y

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