Wrappin it up....somewhat...
Date: 5/5/2007 8:06:30 PM ( 18 y ) ... viewed 2233 times Well my dear CZ folks, it is day 8 and it's the last day i'll be doing my cleanse... HOWEVER! tomorrow morning i leave for the dear Optimum Health Institute where i'll break my cleanse/fast and be graced with raw plates of sprouts, salads, veggies, seed cheese, fruit, juices, and all the wheatgrass you could ever dream of. It's really an amazing place, as they have a giant organic garden there, and they grow all their own sprouts and wheatgrass in giant greenhouses on the grounds. I'm psyched. I couldn't wish for a better way to break my cleanse and reward myself with a week of relaxing. Today i bought a nice beautiful basket of fresh picked organic strawberries to have for my breakfast tomorrow, and a few avocados to bring along, perhaps for lunch.
OH my, how amazing it will all be.
i had to work today, so i wasn't allowed my normal chill schedule in having to be at work at 8am. So it's 6pm now, and i just prepared a pot of coffee for my keister. This will be the last coffee enema, all enemas from here on out will be just water and some wheatgrass. I may do some epsom salt ones while i'm there, but we'll see. i'm finishing off the last of my yummy veggie broth with miso right now. So divine.
What's great is that i feel like i could just keep going on this for who knows how long, at least another week, maybe more... But perhaps again later this year.
So here's a few things that i've noticed with my body in the last 8 days...
-skin cleared, glowy even
-more mental clarity, sharp as a tack :-)
-LOTS of great energy throughout the day, no highs/lows, nice and steady
-deep restful sleep, and early rising (i usually sleep in a bit)
-Nice clear breathing, i feel alot of mucous moved outta the passages, sense of smell heightened for sure
-a tad bit of weight loss
-feeling really happy and proud of doing this for myself!!
so that's all for now, thanks for reading! I'll still be posting from OHI as well every now and then! Ciao~
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