HoLY Enema...
post enema ramblings...
Date: 5/4/2007 6:34:45 PM ( 18 y ) ... viewed 1939 times Well i did my coffee enema quite successfully this morning! It was another BIG movement, with lots of mucoid plaque in between all the mucous/bile. I was really damn amazed that that much is still coming out after a whole week of fasting and enemas. HOLY crap. I'm SOOOO glad i just kept going too, to think i'd be back on food now and that was still in me!? Whew. I was reading Rippys blog too, and good for her to keep on going! I think it's true, we must get down to our DNA even if gone long enough. I think the raw foods/wheatgrass at OHI will really revitalize me after all this cleansing. I'll be like a blank canvas able to take in all the goodness! Yippeeeeeeeeee!!!
I'm off today, so i'm enjoying the afternoon sun, and might do some gardening, take a nap, take a bath.... We gotta treat ourselves good people! I think i'll warm up some veggie broth now, the liquid highlight of my day. :-)
More later this evening perhaps.... have a great day!
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