Goin strong!
Date: 5/2/2007 1:09:44 PM ( 18 y ) ... viewed 1642 times Good Mornin all~
Well, yesterday was a tough one, not so much in the way of the cleanse, but rather cleansing and working at the same time. I went pee like 14 times yesterday, with all the liquids i'm drinking, so i was alwasys running off to the bathroom, which is difficult at the farmers market with no one to fill in for you. Also chugging down P&B while people are trying to buy and order from you.... Then we went to a concert till about 1 am.... They wouldn't let me bring in my broth :( And they almost wouldn't let me bring in my apple juice for the shakes, but i had to tell them i was on a cleanse and i NEEDED IT! Alas, they let me in. :-) It was a long day though, and i'm glad to be off today, back in chill mode.
So i'm on day 5 now, and the days are just going by so smoothly and effortlessly, it's like my body is just in the cleansing groooooove and i don't really have anything come up. I'm still taking the same shakes, and MC and broth, and doing coffee enemas in the morning.
Physically i feel fabulous, after that day 3 enema losing that monstrosity of mucoid plaque i feel i've really changed. My energy, my spirit, all feels lighter and clear. My skin is really clear, i feel i've lost some weight (but i don't have a scale to tell), and my sleep is so deep and i wake up feeling so rested.
I think i'll do another sauna tonight and an enema this morning.... I have accupuncture later today which is always great as well. I'm definately taking the cleanse longer than the originally intended 5 days, i'm just feeling so good, i want to do it longer!!! Hey, why not! I guess i'll stop Saturday night, as I go to OHI on sunday.
So thats all for now! Thanks for reading, and good health to you all!
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