Blog: Spring Cleanse Journal
by skrumptious

Day 4, rockin it!!

Birds in the sky, you know how i feel....

Date:   5/1/2007 1:42:04 PM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 1925 times

Hi all!
Well, tis day 4 and i'm just GLEAMING! I totally have the cleansing HIGH, feeling great and knee deep in me cleanse. I was going to end it tomorrow, but i've decided to end it this weekend instead. I'm feeling so good and I feel like i could go for longer for sure.
Today i'm back to work, so i'll be immersed in the public and forced out of my little home spa sanctuary.... Oh well. Last night my partner and i went for a dry sauna just up the street, and it was SOOOOOO great! Gallons of sweat and toxins just pouring outta the skin... I think i'm gonna try and get back there a couple more times before finishing the cleanse. it's gotta be a very therapeutic assistant to the body to just get hot and purge through the pores.

I did another coffee enema this morning upon rising, which was very nice. I didn't have NEAR the results i had yesterday... Yesterday was the freaking motherload of all time! I'm hoping to have more results, but i feel pretty hollowed out after that evacuation!!
I'm really enjoying this cleanse this time, as i'm breaking it up moreso. I'm doing the P&B shakes, and master cleanse in between, and miso veg. broth (today taken in a thermos), and looooads of water. Funny i'm not even drinking tea in the morning so much anymore, i'm just doing my PB and the MC.

I'm getting really excited about my trip to OHI as well, like a kid going to summer camp... only this time its colonic camp :-D

Have a great day people, and thanks for reading!!

ps, the title is from a Nina Simone song if you didn't already know that, great song that sums up how i'm feelin these days ;)

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Comments (3 of 3):
Congratulations on… valer… 18 y
Re: keep it up skrumptiou… 18 y
keep it up jaymz 18 y
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