Blog: Spring Cleanse Journal
by skrumptious

i'm a new woman!

Tears of joy....

Date:   4/30/2007 9:12:14 PM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 1808 times

well today was a momentous day! I had the best movement EVER! Seriously, i've never seen anything like this come out of my body EVER! So i woke up, had my P&B shake, then i made a big jug of master cleanse too, and brewed a pot of coffee for an enema (weaker this time) and then proceeded with that...... So when i do my enemas i always put a strainer on the toilet so i can see what comes outta me arse... And lo and behold this 2 foot car tire looking thing, had come out. Of course i have pictures, but i haven't figured out how to post them here on the blog yet.... it shall come though! Just you wait!

Alas, that was a crazy moment to see all that junk that had come out, and it made me cry. I think because it is so much more than just toxins, it's alot of emotional crap too that we hold onto... Stress, fear, anger, all those nasty demons that like to hide in our bellies. Well, i'm here to tell them, GET THE HELL OUT and stay out! Needless to say i felt like i was walking on clouds all day, feeling light as a feather with a whole different feeling buzzing around me.

I'm stickin to the same regimen as the previous day, with lots of water, strained miso broth, MC lemonade, and teas, along with the PB shakes. The enema was a coffee enema and i used about 1/3 cup of ground organic coffee with 2 quarts water. I'm feeling so good on this cleanse i'm thinking of forgoing the liver flush and keeping on doing the colon cleanse a couple days longer. But i'm just taking it day to day for now. We'll see how i'm feeling on Wed. which is when i planned to stop.

I leave for OHI on Sunday morning and I'm really looking forward to it. For those of you who don't know it, you should check out their website. It's a raw food/wheatgrass cleansing retreat, complete with classes too. You can stay there from 1-3 weeks. Its quite nice, this will be my 3rd trip, and I'll be going for a week. (
Thanks for reading and thanks to curezone for bringing us all here! So much inspiration and learning it's wonderful!  Good evening~

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Comments (3 of 3):
Congratulations on… valer… 18 y
Re: keep it up skrumptiou… 18 y
keep it up jaymz 18 y
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