P&B brunch! MMMMMMMM
sunday brunch...
Date: 4/29/2007 12:23:15 PM ( 18 y ) ... viewed 2032 times Here at my house we have a tradition of having friends over and I cook a big vegan brunch on Sundays... so forget all those fond memories of fluffy french toast, tofu scrambles, tempeh bacon, french roast coffee with soymilk, and fresh biscuits with jam..... No sir, i'm talking freshly shaked (by hand) Psyllium and Bentonite with organic apple juice baby! mmmmm MM! It's so damn good i might have a second helping :-)
Can i tempt anyone else???
Alas, my day 2 is starting off spLENdid.... i must admit to waking up with a very dull achy head, but nothing huge. Last night i did indeed do another enema, but this time with some epsom salts in the water. It was strange though, i just couldn't hold the enema at ALL. Usually i like to sit there and lay on my back, side to side, even stand up, and really get the fluid in every corner! but not this time, immediate evacuation. Not sure if it was the epsom salts, or if i just couldn't hold it. At any rate, i then went to bed shortly after that at a lovely 10pm. I didn't get up till about 9:30am so i guess i needed a long rest!
No food cravings to speak of, i'm really focused on doing this for my body. I think if you look at the big picture when you're doing a cleanse, you're only giving up food for a little mini chunk of time, whether it be a week, 2 weeks, even a month. It's nice to really honor all the work your body does and give it a break for once.
I know when this is all done with my habits will have again improved. Every time i do a cleanse i have some realizations about what my diet was lacking and what it needs to improve. I'm already vegan and eat as much organic and local produce as possible, but i'm only human and i still love me some vegan convenience food. Vegan donuts, chips and salsa, "chik" patties, falafel and french fries.... granted it's not all the time i'm eating these things, but they sneak in there. Right about now though, i couldn't care less if i didn't eat those items for years. Geez, everything i mentioned is freakin fried! ick. i just feel greasy thinkin about it. I'd really like to focus on eating even more nutritive foods. Things that give LIFE! Not foods that inhibit life.
Well, that's my little spiel for the mornin! I think i'll drink some nice herbal tea now for dessert :D
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