Day one almost over...
Date: 4/28/2007 8:07:08 PM ( 18 y ) ... viewed 1680 times Well, today went great. I of course wish i hadn't had to work, that was a bit much making my shakes and trying to sell to people (i work at a farmers market), but serendipitously i was able to escape to the bathroom at the proper times! :-o
Shakes are going down with ease, with the yummy apple juice. i think i might have some lemon water to change things up.
Already i'm seeing the P&B at work, binding together and removing stuff... Still solids of what i'd been eating, but also some mucous, so i'm glad it's getting outta me! i'm plotting to do another enema, perhaps a lighter one instead of the coffee. It was way too intense last night, i felt like i just drank a triple espresso shot! So hmm... maybe a nice chamomile rinse, ahhhhhhh, followed with some probiotics?? Sounds good. Do any of you dear readers have a tried and true enema that you enjoy? I usually do the coffee one with great results, but i like to try other things too.
I'm just glad to be home from work, the sun is shining, jazz is playing, i have my big water bottle here i'm chugging away at. Tomorrow i think i'll make a nice light vegetable broth to sip on. MMMMmmmmm, broooooth.
That's all for now, i'm feeling nappy for sure. ciao.
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