Blog: Spring Cleanse Journal
by skrumptious

I feel incredible!!

feelin good...

Date:   4/28/2007 1:32:49 AM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 1991 times

Well, it's the end of the precleanse, not sure why i'm so pumped this time around, i guess just cuz i'm so excited and ready for it i'm just FULLY in it to win it!
I'm about to go to bed shortly, so i thought i'd post just once more since i'm feeling so inspired...

i made a killer soup as my final meal using up the rest of my farmers market veggies... Really tasty it was! Tomatoes, beets, green garlic, broccoli, thyme, chives, basil and dill, all pureed and seasoned with salt, mwaa! So good and easy to digest....

It felt really good to not have any big solids today, only an apple, a smoothie, and pureed soup, I feel like i'll just slip right on into my cleanse no problemo.
I feel it's really important to do this precleanse and get yourself ready, mentally and physically, it really does help. I gave up coffee over 2 months ago for other reasons (btw, yes there IS life after coffee-more on that later...), but to give up your vices about a week in advance just helps bigtime. I stopped eating all wheat, sugar, anything processed really, on Monday, and now it's friday night. This has been one of the best weeks of my life, and i feel incredible.

I ended my night with a coffee enema, and i think i'm feeling a wee buzz off of it... but it went really well. I already saw some mucous coming out, along with lots of green material (kale and romaine!).... then took a nice bath, listened to classical music and rubbed some coconut oil all over and massaged myself for a little bit. Damn i feel good!

I'm really looking forward to the next few weeks, and also post cleansing and OHI (optimum health institute), as I hope to really carry this feeling with me and continue healthy eating/lifestyle habits. I'm gonna try and do some sauna treatments this next week to sweat out some impurities, and also to do some yoga and daily walks. What else do you all enjoy doing while cleansing that makes you feel great???
good night everyone, happy weekend!

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Comments (3 of 3):
Congratulations on… valer… 18 y
Re: keep it up skrumptiou… 18 y
keep it up jaymz 18 y
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