Days 2 & 3, whheeeeeee!
days 2 and 3 of precleanse
Date: 4/27/2007 11:56:59 AM ( 18 y ) ... viewed 2013 times Well, it's all going quite beautifully and easy. I've really been amping myself up for this cleanse for a LOOOOONG time, so i feel quite ready in my body and mind to be at this place. Today is my last "precleanse" day, and tomorrow i'll start the P&B shakes from blessed herbs, that will last about 5 days. Yesterday and today i felt really good eating so light and healthy, which is how i'd like to eat all the time. That's one of the great things about cleansing/fasting, is that you really get back to basics and listen to what your body wants. At work there was a giant bowl of chips and salsa for anyone to eat, but all i saw was dead greasy laden processed food, offering no nutrition or life to this body of mine, so it wasn't even a thought to want to eat some. Same with the bread at the bakery i work at, i usually eat some every shift, but again, it just seemed so lifeless....
I've been making fresh juice every day, which has been SO yummy! My favorite these days is: Pink lady Apples, Lemon, Carrot, Ginger, and mint. Just a small handful of fresh mint from the garden adds a whole other level to the juice, it's quite good. Then lunch and dinner has been mostly grains and greens. I made a giant salad last night with peas and broccoli and had some apple with nut butter. Lunch was brown rice with sauteed carrot/daikon/onion and some hiziki seaweed with an avocado/tahini sauce to go on top. Another tasty meal was quinoa with some shredded cabbage/carrot salad with a nice avocado sauce to go on top again.
I'll tell ya, my movements have been so great and effortless. I was really concerned about them the last few months, cuz something seemed off, but now with all this amazing food i'm putting in my body everything seems to have normalized again. And I haven't even cleansed yet!! So it shall be quite exciting to see how the next couple weeks progress!!! Happy Health to all, and thank you for your reading and support :-)
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