Blog: my first masterclean
by bexcstarr

day 1

day one over and it went better than expected!!

Date:   11/19/2006 9:03:44 PM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 1999 times

So im actually on day three but thought id better post the last few days all seperatly,

Day 1 went pretty well actually alot better than i expected , my partner didnt make it through day one but he eats like a horse so i think half a day was an achievment for him! one thing i found i didnt hav to go to the toilet as much as i thought thank goodness ! i woke up at about 11 hung over as was tempted to wait another day to start but no time like the present right! so i got up downed a big litre bottle of salt water to chuck it back up again and had to drink it all over again ! but about twenty minutes later i felt right as rain and bout thirty mintues later the stomach started twisting and turning and at about the hour mark (as everyone told me it would be) i had to run to the toilet four times in a row! i couldnt believe it, it just kept coming.Luckly the toilet sonly two doors from the bedroom or we could of had some accidents! haha! Once i had all that outta my system though i was done for the day . Thats when the cravings Started!!

Day 1 was the hardest i had to sit there and watch everyone eating and just sip away at my lemon water, i find its not so much that i got hungry but more of the fact that i was craving foods and didnt know what else to do while everyone ate! if you took food out of a humans life theyd have so much more time every day , i never realised how much time we spend making, eating and thinking about food. Iv got a whole extra two hours in my day now! All in All besides the majour craving days one was a pretty average day !

Bex :-)

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Comments (5 of 7):
so bex... athina 19 y
Re: One more ingre… bexcs… 19 y
Re: good luck!! bexcs… 19 y
good luck!! gwen17 19 y
One more ingredien… tambe… 19 y
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