Blog: my first masterclean
by bexcstarr

day one eve!

one day pre my first master cleanse, feeling a bit nervous but excited!

Date:   11/16/2006 6:26:45 PM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 4979 times

MY first blog and im so excited , other peoples blogs and journal entrys were awesum to read while i was finding out about master cleanse that i'v been inspried to write one of my own for you all to read :-) ive never blogged before so its a new experience all round for me!

i'v read how effective the master cleanse is and how everyones so impressed with there results , so iv decided once and for all to stop the speculating and the procrastination of "o yeah one day " and ACTAULLY do it.

with the last two days spent reading up on it and its effects i think iv prepared myself and my partner mentally aswell as i could off, after all you need some sort of psyholoigcal preperation when your going to be spending the first two days of the cleanse and a large majority of your time after that sitting in the bathroom (much to my partners disgust) haha. I Still Feel relucatant of the whole thing, mostly of how i'll feel on a liquid diet for 14 days! I havnt gone 7 days without my weekly bk ( my biggest weak point) so 14 days of no food at all could be interesting. I'm must admit i am looking forward to the mood swings and the headaches from fast food, caffine, and lack of excessive sugar consumption withdrawls(sarcasum). But hey fingurs crossed mayb im one of the lucky ones that dosnt have to deal with any of those syptoms:-) ontop of all of this we'll both ( me and my partner)have withdrawl systoms from only just quitting smoking only a month ago and hav still cheated with the odd cig on the piss in the weekned, we also both seem to hav developed an excess love and habit of enjoying a nightly ( and several times daily in the wekend) puff puff on the old happi cabbage tree out back (if you no wot i mean) which we intend on cutting down during this (note the word intend, they cant make me give up everything i love!). I promised the cigerettes have stoped for good though!. All and all should be a fun filled 14 days so stay tuned!!

My plan for my last night of enjoying the fact i can eat consists of

Now-5.00 - Consume all the lollies left in my lollie jar at work , as i wont be needing those anymore!
5.00 -6.00 Finsh work, shower and get ready
6-00 -7.00 LAST BK MEAL FOR AGES!!! and shopping for my entire meal contants for the next 14 days! not a very long list as i only need lemons and maple syrup!
7-.00 - onwards - Drinks at a mates beofre coming home to get ready for my first day on the master cleanse YAY!

Work clocks ticking so slowly, friday afernoons always drag and the weathers turning to crap once again just in time for everyones days off! i think i need to hav a word with mother nature theres some things we dont seem to agree on ! anyways off for now got work to do i Wont blog again till day 3 as its almost weekend and i wont do it at home, not when i can on works time! haha , but i promise ill blog all three days i missed though :o-) Bex

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Comments (5 of 7):
so bex... athina 19 y
Re: One more ingre… bexcs… 19 y
Re: good luck!! bexcs… 19 y
good luck!! gwen17 19 y
One more ingredien… tambe… 19 y
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