Blog: My Juice Fasts And Weight Battle
by reek

Juice Fast - Day 6

Rolling along

Date:   11/10/2006 9:25:29 AM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 3478 times

Wow - Day 6 without solid food. It's getting a bit surreal. I feel good. I wake up feeling really rested. A nice feeling. And while I won't say that I have all of this amazing energy, I am more productive. I don't hesitate to do things. I guess that is the best way to explain it.

Soon after I wrote what I did yesterday I had a solid BM and the discomfort has been gone since. So no enemas yet, but I will be buying one today just in case I need it, I won't hesitate.

I basically do an apple juice around 11am and one in the evening. It is working. I can't believe I'm on Day 6. One day at a time. I feel like this is a success already.

Start Weight: 281
Today's Weight: 265.5
Total Weight Loss: 15.5 lbs.

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Comments (8 of 37):
Re: Surgery - A gi… goldi… 10 y
hello forabetterme 18 y
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new here, not sure… EllaS… 18 y
Hey meire 18 y
Re: it happens! magic_gli… 18 y
it happens! ausjulie 18 y
Good luck! meire 18 y
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