Days 12 and 13
I am SO ready to start eating again.
Date: 7/13/2006 1:37:02 AM ( 19 y ) ... viewed 2521 times Oh crap! I just worked on this entry for 30 minutes, went to the bathroom (where I was quite mesmerized with what I had produced) and when I came back my laptop had turned itself off.
Yesterday morning, I had posted a question on the MC forum about why I had so few detox symptoms. Once I got to work, I started feeling really lousy and it lasted until late this afternoon. I was light-headed, dizzy and just felt awful. Maybe that's why I've been eliminating such nasty, slimy, stringy sludge the last few days. My mental state lately has been really shaky too. In fact, I'm still waiting to get that mental clarity I keep reading about!
When I reached my goal of ten days, I set my next goal for 15 with the possibility of going 20 until I realized that I have a social obligation (dinner at my mother-in-laws) next Tuesday and have to at least be able to nibble politely. I think she's making chicken pot pie which is one of my absolute favorite dishes but I'm not sure I'm going to be ready to eat dairy that soon again. I really want to ease into eating again. Anyway, over the last few days, I have become obsessed with the idea of eating again. It's not that I'm craving anything -- I just want to EAT FOOD. I've been browsing through low fat cookbooks and everything looks really good, even recipes I normally would have skipped right over. It reminds me of when I would pour through the Sears Wish Book when I was a kid.
I've been having to force myself to drink a minimum of six lemonades the last few days. I just haven't been that hungry. I'm drinking plenty of water though and I'm up to 3/8 tsp. of pepper per drink. Maybe that's why I'm eliminating more sludge. My mouth is starting to feel a little raw from all the pepper though. I've also been taking an epsom salt/apple cider vinegar bath to help draw out the toxins.
I lost another pound. I'm down to 133 (a total of 9 pounds).
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