Blog: Master Cleanse - First Time
by th1366

Day 9

Only one day to go to reach my original goal.

Date:   7/8/2006 8:22:10 PM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 2447 times

I had my first dream last night about food. Actually, it was early morning -- in-between bathroom trips when my tea kicked in. I don't remember particulars but little pieces of food were somehow getting into my mouth. I couldn't control it. I woke up thinking I had broken my fast and was so relieved when I realized I had been dreaming.

I lost another two pounds so my theory about the SWF may be correct. I did the tea again this morning but Zoe suggested that I lessen the amount of salt since my body seems to be retaining a lot when I use 2 tsps. I'll try that in a few days.

I had a lot of energy today, although I did take a short nap. I'm not sleeping well at night but I've never been a real solid sleeper. We went to Costco and I walked by all those samples and then sat in the food court and watched/smelled my husband eating two hotdogs. Surrounded by all that food, I realized that I just didn't care. Fortunately, I haven't had any cravings. But when I watched people chewing, it hit me that I miss the act of eating. Maybe I miss the reasons why I eat -- rewarding myself, socializing, something to do, the simple pleasure of eating great food...

Every time we go shopping for groceries, I get something for my husband that would normally tempt me (like huge chewy oatmeal cookies). Today I got strawberries to make strawberry ice in our ice cream maker. I asked him if he'd like me to make strawberry ice cream instead. He asked me why I would want to have food like this around the house. I realized it's because it gives me a feeling of power to have those temptations around and not be affected by them in the slightest. There's probably a lot more to it than that but it might get ugly if I dig too deep into my rationale for it! This process causes you to be very introspective and the results aren't always pleasant but I'm learning a lot about myself and hopefully will be a stronger, better person when I'm done.

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Comments (1 of 1):
Congratulations! peanut74 19 y
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