Days 7 and 8 - Feelin' Fine
My first week is over and I'm sailing right along. I'm hoping to complete another one.
Date: 7/7/2006 7:29:00 PM ( 19 y ) ... viewed 2486 times I'VE MADE IT A WEEK! When I first started, I honestly didn't expect to make it this far but it hasn't been hard at all so far. I'm shooting now for 14 and would love to get to 20 when I'll have to stop because of travel plans at the end of the month. I want to have plenty of time for my system to wake up and figure out what to do.
Yesterday was another good day -- I think. I definitely haven't reached the stage where you have clarity of mind! I'm having to think too long about stuff that should come second hand. BUT I feel great. I ran out of the syrup I had been using so I went by Trader Joe's to pick up more. I found a bigger bottle by the same company that was 64 oz for $8.99. I had paid $5.99 for 32 oz. So I figured it must taste the same but it doesn't. It's a stronger taste and I thought I would get used to it but after two days, I still don't like it. I'm going to go back and get some more of the smaller bottle. Since this is the only "food" I'm getting, I might as well enjoy it. I also had gradually doubled the amount of pepper to a heaping 1/4 tsp. but that seemed a little much today so I've backed it down a little. Maybe it's the change in the taste of the syrup that is making the pepper more noticeable.
The really good thing from yesterday that I remember is getting a massage. I normally get a deep tissue massage but I had read that a lymphatic massage is good when you are detoxing. So that's what I got and it was great -- except for two areas that really hurt. One was between the thumb and first finger and the other was inbetween my big toe and the next one. She said both of those areas needed to be drained probably because of the detoxing I was doing. She was really excited about the fasting and was familar with the "lemonade diet." She said I was an inspiration. That was encouraging. I haven't told too many people about this since I don't want to have to justify it to them. My husband is supportive but isn't too interested in the whole concept.
Last night I made a cup of lax tea to drink but only got through about half of it before it got knocked over. I was already in bed and didn't want to get up to make more. I drank another tea this morning instead of the SWF. It seems that when I drink the SWF, I don't lose any weight. Yesterday I did the tea both morning and evening and this morning I was 3 pounds lighter, for a total of 5 pounds lost. That might explain why I only lost a few pounsd in the first five days. It's just a theory but I hope I'm right. The good thing about the SWF is that it hits before I leave the house for work. With the tea, I never know when it will hit -- or how often.
I almost forgot -- I haven't had a big problem with my tongue. There's a very light coating of white but it's not bad. I do have a nasty taste in my mouth but it's from the drink. The problem with brushing a lot (I'm using a natural toothpaste with no flouride) is that the next lemonade tastes horrible. I did buy some hydrogen peroxide mouth wash but haven't used it yet.
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