Blog: Master Cleanse - First Time
by th1366

Day 6 - My first really yucky day

I think I started releasing toxins today.

Date:   7/6/2006 1:42:17 AM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 3107 times

I didn’t sleep well last night. I finally got up at midnight and started browsing through the MC forum while I sipped the tea that I had forgotten to drink earlier. I am learning so much. It amazes me how many people start asking questions about the MC without having even read the book. This isn’t something that should be done on a whim. You need to know exactly what you are getting in to.

I didn't do the SWF this morning -- just drank the tea instead around 7:30. It worked A LOT faster than my evening tea does. Maybe because I'm moving around? I was expecting to eventually have a bad day and of course it would be today -- my first day back at work since I started the MC. I was fine until about 11:00 when I started feeling dizzy and extremely woozy -- like I was on pain pills. My brain was really foggy too. I was actually really glad to start having some kind of symptoms because I knew it meant that I was releasing toxins. I've had more productive stools than any other day so far. It's pretty disgusting when you can't wait to get done so you can look at what you've produced! The smell is pretty awful too. I finally perked up and went for a short walk but barely made it back in time to visit the bathroom. Fortunately, I have a flexible job so I finally just gave up and went home. I don't know how people do this with a normal, full-time job. I am so glad that I didn't work for the first 5 days of the Cleanse.

I started feeling really bad earlier this evening so I took an epsom/apple cider vinegar bath hoping it would pull some of the toxins out. I should have waited until right before bed time because it takes a lot out of you.

I realized today that following the plan strictly "by the book" is easier for me than for many people because I like structure and I'm goal oriented. There's no deviation, no counting calories and fat grams, and basically no decisions to make. I'm finding too that I'm becoming rather ambivalent about food. I've had very few temptations, although I did have a little trouble tonight when my husband picked up a hamburger when we were out. I was fine until he started licking his fingers when he was done. I mean he was really slurping. That would normally disgust me but it had me salivating.

I'm going to try to do the SWF in the morning. It works faster and hopefully I'll be done before I leave for work. There were too many really quick trips to the bathroom at work today. NOTE TO SELF: Bring air freshener to work tomorrow!

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