Blog: Master Cleanse - First Time
by th1366

Day 5 - Still Going Strong

Another really great day and I'm half way through. I know it's got to get harder if this is going to work.

Date:   7/4/2006 10:10:01 PM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 2535 times

This was another really good day. I used Celtic Sea Salt for my SWF today and it was much easier to get down. However, the SWF didn't have much of an impact and I wonder if I'm retaining too much of the salt. I lost 2 pounds the first day, 1 the next and then gained one and have stayed steady there. I have a good 10 pounds I need to lose and expected/hoped that I would lose at least half of it during the cleanse. I'm not too concerned because I know I can get it off eventually. Not sure if I'll do the SWF tomorrow. I may just do the lax tea in the morning.

Tomorrow will be the first day that I've gone to work since I started so I'm a little apprehensive. I know that my euphoria isn't going to last and I'm hoping I don't crash at work. I've only told one coworker (who is very health conscious) and she's really excited to see how I do.

I'm getting used to the pepper so I increased it gradually to a heaping 1/8 tsp today and it's not that bad. I couldn't find any more organic lemons today so I bought some regular ones from Sprouts. I'm not getting nearly as much juice from them as I did the organic ones. I'm going to pick up some limes to add a twist.

I walked again tonight but it's so hot (102) that the dog and I didn't go as far as last night. I'll try early in the morning. It's just been hard to work it in around the SWF.

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Comments (1 of 1):
Congratulations! peanut74 19 y
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