Blog: Master Cleanse - First Time
by th1366

Day 4 - I feel great

This was my best day so far.

Date:   7/4/2006 1:09:30 AM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 2475 times

Had a major victory last night -- I went to a huge early 4th of July party with lots of food (including lots of homemade ice cream) and it wasn't very difficult for me to be around all that food. I even helped scoop up the ice cream. I did sneak out to the car once to slurp down a lemonade because I was starting to drag. My husband came out to get something and just laughed at me. He said I looked really suspicious drinking out of my little bottle in the dark car. I haven't told many people what I'm doing. Psychologically it will be easier to get through this if I don't have to listen to people telling me how crazy I am.

I felt really great today and had lots of energy. Took the dog for a long walk this evening -- the first real activity I've had since I started. I did the SWF this morning (the right way) but could only get down 3/4 of it. It worked pretty quick! I drank 8 lemonades and 90 oz. of water. I'm finding that the lemonades are tasting sweeter and the pepper is not as hot. I increased the pepper from a level 1/8 tsp. to a heaping 1/8. It doesn't taste great but it's not burning as bad as it first did. I may start cutting back the syrup a little.

I'm not seeing many signs of toxins being released but my tongue is slightly coated with white stuff and today I really have cotton mouth. I keep brushing my teeth and my tongue but I gag easily so I almost throw up every time I brush. I need to get a tongue scraper and see if that works any better.

One odd thing did happen today -- I needed to do some simple multiplication (something like 6x9) and had a brain freeze. I couldn't for the life of me figure it out. I had to use my fingers!

I'm gearing myself up for this to get harder. I am so proud of what I've accomplished so far. My goal is ten days but I've thought about going longer if I'm doing well with it. I've been off work since I started and don't go back on Wed. It's been nice to be able to relax and do all this in the privacy of my own home. Hopefully, I'll have the energy to be productive at work.

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Congratulations! peanut74 19 y
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