Today I read 'On the Day You Were Born'......
...and it reminds me that I am part of something greater!
Date: 9/28/2006 4:48:30 PM ( 19 y ) ... viewed 2396 times Today we read this great children's book again and again, personalizing it for each child. Each one sat still, until their turn, then got really excited. Small moments of greatness and I am eternally grateful that their parents trust me to take care of their little one. Today was an interesting day. We live in Florida and the pool is turning green. The two are only related as it's a good time of year for this to happen, although we work hard to not have that happen. It's cooling off, and the kids and I got to play hard outside today. Sand everywhere, dirt everywhere....after we were outside they sat in the kitchen as we took off our socks (put them in the wash), took off our shorts, ....I"m sure you get the picture! Then they all washed off with soap and water. The entire time I was thinking: parasites, know, all the stuff! But they don't care. Ah to be that young again and just not care. To get excited that you get to brush your teeth. To think of catsup as a food group and not a condiment.
Today was a GREAT day, and the eating followed along. I'm fairly certain yoga to Sting is a good thing. What a wonderful day. More later:-)
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