Blog: On the path to healthy eating and attitudes....
by #58811

Tuesday, what a day:-)

Parents, love your children as they are, not for what you would have them be.

Date:   9/26/2006 10:19:49 PM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 1936 times

Started great. Fast was and is going well.
No weight lost, but that's okay, the colon is cleansed and I feel terrific. Right up until my neighbor came by to ask if my son (the dev. delayed one) had run his bike along her rental car. Darn it! We knew it was him before she even finished, and it really sucks. It took him 5 years almost to learn to ride a bike and he's 13. He's been riding for 4 years now and it's his love. There's so much he cannot do so this was a real blessing. The bike is now in the attic. Our homeowners will have to fix her rental. I'm good for the fix, not upset about that. What I don't like is when ppl say: I just want you to tell him to be more careful. WELL DUH. We do that ALL the time: look both ways; don't talk to ppl I don't know; be careful on your bike; don't touch, in any way, other ppls property. The list goes on and on. So of course she comes over, to 'find out' if it's him while I have 6 daycare kids 2 and under running around, my husband is gone on business, and my oldest had to work today. To top it off, she was stupid about it. I say, go get an estimate so I'll know if I want to pay my $1000 deductible or pay cash, she says 'What? Why do I do that?'
Did I mention my fasting was going really well?
Why is it that people in general don't 'get' that when you have a special kid these things happen all the time, like a never ending mountain. They treat it like it's no big deal--teach the lesson--and it's like, he doesn't get the lesson, he cannot get the lesson. He is a blessing for me, given to me to take care of. When he was first born he should have died (at one week) but lived and it's been revealed to me that he is my gift. Anyhow, enough on that, sorry for the inappropriate rant,but this is my blog and this is how my day is.

Interestingly enough prior to the parasite cleanse (humaworm) I tried to do a juice fast and failed--felt like crap. Now I feel great and could keep going and going. Here's my fear though, I am an extremist. I've battled eating disorders and weight issues since I was 16, so I'm going to fast during the day and eat a good dinner. I"m hoping to keep some perspective, lose some weight, and be balanced. For the balanced part I"m doing yoga right now instead of the weights and cardio. I love Steve Ross Inhale on Oxygen, it's been really fun and challenging.

What else? My two year old is starting to sound out words. We know he's ahead, but that's crazy stuff. My daughter is wonderful and terrific, and my oldest is finding out more and more about insurance and autos. Had to include them also since I rarely talk about them. I feel like I've cried all afternoon for my family. I need some perspective and need to remember that this life is not eternity, just a blip.
And with that I"m off to bed. I'm thankful for this forum and blog. I know it's online and public, but sometimes it's just nice to write a nice long letter to no one about life, my life. It helps to see it in writing, and to review it later on. Nice to also know where I've been and where I'm going.
I have a new 6 mos. plan, 2 year plan, and I'm working on a 5 year plan. But that's for another day, and up to revision:-)
Goodnight Moon!

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