erased Monday message.....
One minutes it's there, the next it's gone.....know where your going.
Date: 9/25/2006 8:37:19 PM ( 19 y ) ... viewed 1839 times So I had a bunch of stuff written down and it was GONE. Crashed computer, such is life.
The cliff notes version is that day one of the fasting is done, went great. Seemingly yesterdays enlightenment paid off. Feeling good, haven't been hungry, and I"m wondering if this is partly because of the parasite cleanse that I've recently finished. Tea for tonight because I finished my juice, and it's working. No soda, no weird cravings. Yay me!!!
There was so much before, and I just don't know where it went. But my teenager needs to use the computer, and that's the priority.
Yay me!! Monday rocks.
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