Sunday, the day of rest.....
The Name above all names is worthy of my praise.....
Date: 9/24/2006 1:21:39 PM ( 19 y ) ... viewed 1694 times So far, okay. I used to run--alot. It always felt like the great eating was an extension of that. The run. The miles, the clarity after and during, the time away from everyone else, the pounding beat of the feet on the cement or track. The mindlessness of it so I can focus on other things. The great eating always was a part of that. What happened? Bad knee....four babies....growing older. The question then becomes what to do about not having that focus. My gym time isn't doing it, swimming is great but there's hardly time for that and it takes too long to go do and get back. Yoga works, but is time also and since I have to follow it doesn't clear the mind yet. Rough.
Today I haven't fasted at all. TOmorrow I will and do the yoga. My favorite part of our yoga time (the kids join me) is when my 2 year old turns it into gymnastics! and my daughter innocently says you can skip this part because we know it leads to 'this', so just do 'this' and we're good:-) and my dev. disabled son who tries but can't do it (yet).
Maybe it's the move. We moved 2 years ago and there really isn't anyone like me here. I keep thinking that maybe this person will connect and we'll be good, but no. Maybe it's all of it. I do know that I'm an emotional eater and right now I'm not in a good place mentally. God is good though and will heal this, I can feel Him trying to reach me and me blocking it sometimes.
Random thoughts here of identifying what, how, why, and what's next. All very complicated and now it's naptime.
I'll have to finish this later:-)
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